

javascript Programming Glossary: window.window

How to serialize DOM node to JSON?


to JSON window and DOM nodes have many of them. window window.window as will as document.body.ownerDocument document . Also JSON.stringify..

Why is window not identical to window.self in Internet Explorer?


share improve this question That's not all window window.window I believe what we're probably seeing here is the difference..

IE Bug (window === top) === false


Bug window top false In IE. window top false window window.window false window top true window window.window true In FF3.6 Chrome.. false window window.window false window top true window window.window true In FF3.6 Chrome stable this doesn't happen. In IE typeof.. issues in both IE Chrome. o o.o o o o.o true Turns out window.window window.top true window.window window.self true So it's an issue..