javascript Programming Glossary: variant
How to build & deploy a Samsung SmartTV app without the IDE (e.g: on Linux)
Numbers localization in Web applications localization in Web applications How can I set the variant of Arabic numeral without changing character codes Eastern Arabic.. character codes Eastern Arabic Û° Û± Û² Û³ Ù¦ Ù¥ Ù¤ Û· Û¸ Û¹ Persian variant Û° Û± Û² Û³ Û´ Ûµ Û¶ Û· Û¸ Û¹ Western Arabic 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 And perhaps.. Perhaps even more dramatically the corresponding capital variants ' ' Greek and 'A' Latin are visually identical in practically..
The scope of “this” by calling the functions of this object. Why in the last variant 3 calling show with the function show inside object without..
HTML5 Canvas camera/viewport - how to actally do it? to draw large images according to viewport position A variant of the drawImage method has eight new parameters. We can use.. dHeight The first parameter image just as with the other variants is either a reference to an image object or a reference to..
Encoding of window.location.hash IE8 # C3 BC FF3.5 #ü Is there a way to get one variant in both browsers javascript html url encoding fragment identifier..
OO Javascript constructor pattern: neo-classical vs prototypal of constructor pattern No although I do use its singleton variant the module pattern... Do you find it understandable Yes it's..
Using arrow keys with jQuery scrollTo and clicks. Here is the function together with a variant of your original code that uses it Here is the function function..
Convert long/lat to pixel x/y on a given picure for me to draw this point on my picture. The most desired variant of the answer is based on javascript but it is possible and..
Remove characters from a string instance of a search pattern in JavaScript. The non regex variant of replace will only replace the first instance. For example..
Update whole page on Ajax request is. a href javascript response load a is also possible. A variant of this is building the URL not with the variable name but with..
when do you need to use $(document).ready()? document .ready or prototype's dom loaded or any other variant of a handler for this event. In all the browsers i've tested..
Iterate over associative array in coffeescript jim is 12 john is 7 You may also want to consider the variant for own k v of ages as mentioned by Aaron Dufour in the comments...
Why serve 1x1 pixel GIF (web bugs) data at all? which if present SHOULD be associated with the requested variant. Basically the server receives the request and decides to not..
Switch statement for greater-than/less-than ... if val 30000 do something else if indirect This is a variant of switch indirect array but with if statements instead and.. val val 30000 do something break switch range2 This is a variant of switch range but with only one compare per case and therefore.. val 30000 do something break switch indirect array In this variant the ranges is stored in an array. This is slow in all tested..
Are +0 and -0 the same? requires both 0 and . The zeroes can be considered as a variant of the extended real number line such that 1 ’â and 1 0 division..
Number of elements in a javascript object standard way to get it. In the past Mozilla's Javascript variant exposed the non standard __count__ but it has been removed with..
Method overloading? TestClass someMethod stringParameter string void alert Variant #1 stringParameter stringParameter someMethod numberParameter.. numberParameter number stringParameter string void alert Variant #2 numberParameter numberParameter stringParameter stringParameter.. it with switch or if statement in general function alert Variant #1 stringParameter stringParameter private someMethod_Overload_number_string..
Working with “Out” Parameters in JavaScript this Public Sub SaveFileDialog _ ByVal bstrDialogType As Variant _ ByRef pbstrFileName As String _ ByRef out_pvType As Long _..
How can I use JavaScript within an Excel macro? Function GetDiffs ByVal s1 As String ByVal s2 As String As Variant Dim objWMIService As Object Dim objDiff As Object Set objWMIService.. DeltaRange As Range Dim idiff As Long Dim thisDiff As Variant Dim diffop As String Dim difftext As String difftext Dim diffs.. As String Dim difftext As String difftext Dim diffs As Variant Dim OriginalValue As String Dim NewValue As String Dim DeltaCell..
How to view particular page of an pdf using HTML in browser? LoadFile HRESULT LoadFile in BSTR fileName out retval VARIANT_BOOL ret id 0x00000003 helpstring method setShowToolbar HRESULT.. helpstring method setShowToolbar HRESULT setShowToolbar in VARIANT_BOOL On id 0x00000004 helpstring method gotoFirstPage HRESULT.. HRESULT printPagesFit in long from in long to in VARIANT_BOOL shrinkToFit id 0x00000017 helpstring method printAll HRESULT..
Calling C++ function from JavaScript script running in a web browser control DISPID_PROPERTYPUT DISPPARAMS params params.rgvarg new VARIANT 1 params.rgvarg 0 .pdispVal custObj params.rgvarg 0 .vt VT_DISPATCH.. REFIID riid LCID lcid WORD wFlags DISPPARAMS Params VARIANT pVarResult EXCEPINFO pExcepInfo UINT puArgErr Noteworthy implementations.. REFIID riid LCID lcid WORD wFlags DISPPARAMS Params VARIANT pVarResult EXCEPINFO pExcepInfo UINT puArgErr MessageBox NULL..
What is JavaScript garbage collection? etc all the memory tracked by the GC. JScript uses the VARIANT data structure internally and there are plenty of extra unused..