javascript Programming Glossary: val.slice
Detect pasted text with ctrl+v or right click -> paste start sel.start end end length pastedTextLength text val.slice sel.start end 1 var textarea document.getElementById your_textarea..
Inserting text at cursor in a textarea, with Javascript undefined endIndex el.selectionEnd el.value val.slice 0 el.selectionStart text val.slice endIndex el.selectionStart.. el.value val.slice 0 el.selectionStart text val.slice endIndex el.selectionStart el.selectionEnd endIndex text.length..
jquery ctrl+enter as enter in text area number var start this.selectionStart this.value val.slice 0 start n val.slice this.selectionEnd this.selectionStart this.selectionEnd.. start this.selectionStart this.value val.slice 0 start n val.slice this.selectionEnd this.selectionStart this.selectionEnd start..
show different keyboard character from the typed one in google chrome start this.selectionStart end this.selectionEnd this.value val.slice 0 start mappedChar val.slice end Move the caret this.selectionStart.. this.selectionEnd this.value val.slice 0 start mappedChar val.slice end Move the caret this.selectionStart this.selectionEnd start.. end start selectionRange.text.length this.value val.slice 0 start mappedChar val.slice end start Move the caret textInputRange..
Can I conditionally change the character entered into an input on keypress? start this.selectionStart end this.selectionEnd this.value val.slice 0 start mappedChar val.slice end Move the caret this.selectionStart.. this.selectionEnd this.value val.slice 0 start mappedChar val.slice end Move the caret this.selectionStart this.selectionEnd start.. end start selectionRange.text.length this.value val.slice 0 start mappedChar val.slice end start Move the caret textInputRange..
How do I insert some text where the cursor is? el.selectionEnd number endIndex el.selectionEnd el.value val.slice 0 endIndex text val.slice endIndex el.selectionStart el.selectionEnd.. el.selectionEnd el.value val.slice 0 endIndex text val.slice endIndex el.selectionStart el.selectionEnd endIndex text.length..