javascript Programming Glossary: type
Where can I find documentation on formatting a date in JavaScript the month getFullYear Returns the year Example script type text javascript var d new Date var curr_date d.getDate var curr_month..
Access / process (nested) objects, arrays or JSON In JavaScript there are only two actually one data types which can contain other data types objects and arrays a special.. two actually one data types which can contain other data types objects and arrays a special form of objects . Both types expose.. types objects and arrays a special form of objects . Both types expose a key value structure. Keys in arrays must be numeric..
Reference: Why does the PHP (or other server side) code in my Javascript not work? close them as duplicate of this. I have this code script type text javascript var foo 'bar' php file_put_contents 'foo.txt'.. comes in. The example code executes like this script type text javascript var foo 'bar' php file_put_contents 'foo.txt'.. all code between php tags. The result is this script type text javascript var foo 'bar' var baz 42 alert baz script The..
Validate numbers in JavaScript - IsNumeric() out if a variable contained a numeric value regardless its type it could be a String containing a numeric value I had to consider.. could be passed to that function I couldn't make any type assumption taking care of type coercion eg. true 1 but true.. I couldn't make any type assumption taking care of type coercion eg. true 1 but true shouldn't be considered as numeric..
Does it matter which equals operator (== vs ===) I use in JavaScript comparisons? equals signs when doing things like comparing idSele_UNVEHtype.value.length 0 inside of an if statement. Is there a performance.. the file. Would I be correct in assuming that if no type conversion takes place there would be a small probably extremely.. behaves identically to the equality operator except no type conversion is done and the types must be the same to be considered..
XmlHttpRequest error: Origin null is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin can tell you had two problems You weren't passing a jsonp type specifier to your .get so it was using an ordinary XMLHttpRequest... .getJSON . It does a little magic to change the request type from its default of json to jsonp if it sees the substring callback..
Abort Ajax requests using jQuery already this method will abort the request. var xhr .ajax type POST url some.php data name John location Boston success function..
.prop() vs .attr() may only be a string whereas a property can be of any type. For example the checked property is a Boolean the style property.. two possible pieces of valid HTML to do this input id cb type checkbox checked input id cb type checkbox checked checked So.. to do this input id cb type checkbox checked input id cb type checkbox checked checked So how do you find out if the checkbox..
How to detect if a variable is an array javascript arrays share improve this question Type checking of objects in JS is done via instanceof ie obj instanceof..
What does (function($) {})(jQuery); mean? between the following two ways of writing a plugin Type 1 function .fn.jPluginName .fn.jPluginName.defaults jQuery.. function .fn.jPluginName .fn.jPluginName.defaults jQuery Type 2 function .jPluginName jQuery Type 3 function Attach this.. jQuery Type 2 function .jPluginName jQuery Type 3 function Attach this new method to jQuery .fn.extend var defaults..
How do I send a cross-domain POST request via JavaScript? Max Age 1000' header 'Access Control Allow Headers Content Type Authorization X Requested With' break This allows your script.. postHere.php' crossDomain true data ' some json ' dataType 'json' success function responseData textStatus jqXHR var value..
How to post an array of complex objects with JSON, jQuery to ASP.NET MVC Controller? url ' portal Designer.mvc SaveOrUpdate' type 'POST' dataType 'json' data .toJSON widgets contentType 'application json charset.. type 'POST' dataType 'json' data .toJSON widgets contentType 'application json charset utf 8' success function result alert.. with an custom attribute JsonFilter Param widgets JsonDataType typeof List PageDesignWidget public JsonResult SaveOrUpdate..
Download File Using Javascript/jQuery or text files you need the server to set the file's MIME Type to a nonsensical value such as application x please download..
Javascript communication between browser tabs/windows example of sender and receiver sender.html h1 Sender h1 p Type into the text box below and watch the text appear automatically..
parse and execute JS by C# _name Guid BB1A2AE1 A4F9 11cf 8F20 00805F2CD064 InterfaceType ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown private interface IActiveScript.. A4F9 11cf 8F20 00805F2CD064 InterfaceType ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown private interface IActiveScript PreserveSig.. string name ScriptItem flags PreserveSig int AddTypeLib Guid typeLib uint major uint minor uint flags PreserveSig..
Facebook how to check if user has liked page and show content? color #FFF p font size 11px style meta http equiv Content Type content text html charset iso 8859 1 head body div id container.. color #FFF p font size 11px style meta http equiv Content Type content text html charset iso 8859 1 head body div id container..
jqgrid server side error message/validation handling JSON data looks as following HTTP 1.1 200 OK ... Content Type application json ... page 1 .... If the URL which try to load..
jQuery XML parsing with namespaces xmlns z #RowsetSchema s Schema id RowsetSchema s ElementType name row content eltOnly rs CommandTimeout 30 s AttributeType.. name row content eltOnly rs CommandTimeout 30 s AttributeType name ows_ID rs name ID rs number 1 s datatype dt type i4 dt.. number 1 s datatype dt type i4 dt maxLength 4 s AttributeType s AttributeType name ows_DocIcon rs name Type rs number 2 s..
Access Control Allow Origin not allowed by [duplicate] X GData Key key dev_key http.setRequestHeader Content Type application atom xml charset UTF 8 http.onreadystatechange function..
What does the JavaScript pseudo protocol actually do? [duplicate] javascript share improve this question The JavaScript TYPE LABEL PREFIX could not find the actual name for it in the event..
how do I add an option to a html form dropdown list with javascript FORM NAME myform ACTION METHOD GET Your Options INPUT TYPE button NAME button VALUE Click onClick runList SELECT NAME list..
How to change the color of scrollbars 400px div To change their color I tried this code STYLE TYPE text css BODY scrollbar base color orange scrollbar arrow color..
dynamically add remove rows in table using jquery th Value th tr thead TR TD Scooby Doo TD TD 6 TD TD INPUT TYPE Button onClick AddRow VALUE Add Row TD TR table When the button..
window.event.srcElement doesn't work for firefox? row on click. Can anyone please help. Many thanks. INPUT TYPE Button onClick delRow VALUE Remove function delRow if window.event.. code if you need to keep things relatively the same. INPUT TYPE Button onclick delRow event VALUE Remove function delRow e var..
Want html form submit to do nothing following HTML FORM onSubmit myFunction return false INPUT TYPE SUBMIT VALUE Submit FORM Then the supporting javascript SCRIPT.. to submit the form FORM onSubmit return myFunction INPUT TYPE SUBMIT VALUE Submit FORM Paired with SCRIPT LANGUAGE JavaScript..
How to set CSS3 transition using javascript? 960px For example document.getElementById 'fade' .HOW TO TYPE webkit transition 'opacity 1s' javascript css3 share improve..