javascript Programming Glossary: ty
Table cellIndex and rowIndex with colspan/rowspan cspan cell.attr colspan 0 rspan cell.attr rowspan 0 tx ty cspan cspan cspan 1 rspan rspan rspan 1 for m y m y x x skip.. matrix elements occupied by current cell with true for ty y ty y rspan ty if m ty fill missing rows m ty m ty tx.. elements occupied by current cell with true for ty y ty y rspan ty if m ty fill missing rows m ty m ty tx true..
HTML5 Canvas Resize (Downscale) Image High Quality? Canvas Resize Downscale Image High Quality I use html5 canvas elements to resize images im my browser... to resize images im my browser. It turns out that the quality is very low. I found this Disable Interpolation when Scaling.. Scaling a canvas but it does not help to increase the quality. Below is my css and js code as well as the image scalled with..
Programatic Accent Reduction in JavaScript (aka text normalization or unaccenting) ^ p ASCII This way some one who doesn't know to type Mèxico can type mexico and get a match which returns Mèxico.. This way some one who doesn't know to type Mèxico can type mexico and get a match which returns Mèxico among a lot of.. Mèxico Dubai UAE . Now the thing is I don't have the ability to change the service to do any highlighting on the server side..
HTML5 Canvas Resize (Downscale) Image High Quality? tIndex 0 target x y x y index within target array var tX 0 tY 0 rounded tx ty var w 0 nw 0 wx 0 nwx 0 wy 0 nwy 0 weight next.. for sy 0 sy sh sy ty sy scale y src position within target tY 0 ty rounded target pixel's y yIndex 3 tY tw line index within.. within target tY 0 ty rounded target pixel's y yIndex 3 tY tw line index within target array crossY tY 0 ty scale if crossY..