javascript Programming Glossary: translate
input type=file show only button 200px opacity 0.0 filter alpha opacity 0 o transform translate 250px 50px scale 1 moz transform translate 300px 0 scale 4.. 0 o transform translate 250px 50px scale 1 moz transform translate 300px 0 scale 4 direction ltr cursor pointer .myui button ..
Why does typeof NaN return 'number'? a quiet NaN. just keeps my head spinning. If someone can translate this in human as opposed to say mathematician readable language..
Efficiently replace all accented characters in a string? have facilities to do just that Python supplies str.translate in Perl there is tr XPath has a function translate ColdFusion.. str.translate in Perl there is tr XPath has a function translate ColdFusion has ReplaceList . But what about JavaScript Here.. most of the time much less function makeSortString s var translate À a â o ü u A O U probably more to come var translate_re âÀü..
Zoom in on a point (using scale and translate) in on a point using scale and translate I want to be able to zoom in on the point under the mouse in.. var zoom Math.pow 1 Math.abs wheel 2 wheel 0 1 1 context.translate originx originy context.scale zoom zoom context.translate mousex.. originx originy context.scale zoom zoom context.translate mousex scale originx mousex scale zoom mousey scale originy..
Zoom Canvas to Mouse Cursor share improve this question In short you want to translate the canvas context by your offset scale it to zoom in or out.. context by your offset scale it to zoom in or out and then translate back by the opposite of the mouse offset. Note that you need.. from screen space into the transformed canvas context. ctx.translate pt.x pt.y ctx.scale factor factor ctx.translate pt.x pt.y Demo..
Should the id of elements be made global variables? And with id consisting of hyphens colons and periods . be translated ok i know they can be accessed with document.getElementById.. with document.getElementById but how will the browser translate it into the global variable that was representing them javascript..
How to turn a String into a javascript function call? ' ' ' ' that I want to translate into a function call like so clickedOnItem IdofParent This of.. correct. I just need to call the function that it would translate into. Legend settings.functionName clickedOnItem would be clickedOnItem . This would at runtime translate var fn window settings.functionName into var fn window clickedOnItem..
Implementing Google Translate with custom flag icons Google Translate with custom flag icons Currently I'm using the simple Google.. custom flag icons Currently I'm using the simple Google Translate drop down menu found here http translate_tools.. div script type text javascript function googleTranslateElementInit new google.translate.TranslateElement pageLanguage..
How can I implement Offset Path Effect in SVG without using Javascript or dilate/erode filters?
Best practice for localization and globalization of strings and labels dictionary and use online translation services like Google Translate Bing Translator etc. Another problem that we've encountered..
Bresenham algorithm in Javascript endCoordinates var coordinatesArray new Array Translate coordinates var x1 startCoordinates.left var y1
Rotating and moving an image in a canvas element? html5 animation canvas share improve this question Translate the context to the point on the canvas that the object should.. the object should rotate about. Rotate the context. Either Translate the context by the negative offset within the object for the..
How to translate entire website with Google Translate to translate entire website with Google Translate I am currently using the following to translate a web page..