javascript Programming Glossary: transforms
apply all transform matrices no there's no existing method in SVG DOM that applies the transforms by modifying the values of paths etc. There are options in Inkscape.. options in Inkscape and Illustrator too IIRC for applying transforms like that. If you're looking for a library or utility that does..
How to draw non-scalable circle in SVG with Javascript r.querySelectorAll selector unscale Counteract all transforms applied above an element. Apply a translation to the element.. Be sure to apply this transform after existing transforms translate xf el.scaleIndependentXForm svg.createSVGTransform..
Can a site invoke a browser extension? can pass messages to a background page which then stores transforms or transmits data from the message. share improve this answer..
How to do two-way filtering in angular.js? ng model input Here's a working example that transforms text to lowercase in the input and back to uppercase in the..
How to determine size of Raphael object after scaling & rotating it? computes the bounding box from the path data which transforms all of the points in the path and gets the min max x y values..
Cross-browser way to flip html/image via Javascript/CSS? CSS will work in IE and modern browsers that support CSS transforms. I included a vertical flip class just in case you might want..
What is the best way to serialize SVG from the client DOM? to be as simple as possible without a lot of nested transforms . Is there any framework that already supports this I'm currently..
Basic framework for presentations using HTML5 + javascript
Webkit and jQuery draggable jumping version of getBoundingClientRect ignores the css3 transforms rotation whereas chrome safari webkit don't. here is an illustration..
Why does IE nuke window.ABC variables? do to your code. When the JS parser sees your code it transforms it into the following html body script type text javascript..
How do I re-trigger a WebKit CSS animation via JavaScript? which may be helpful for cross browser CSS transitions transforms and animations. Here is the support code re formatted var css3AnimationSupport..
Baking transforms into SVG Path Element commands transforms into SVG Path Element commands tl dr summary Give me the resources.. circles etc are converted first to paths then taking transforms into account is rather easy. I made a testbed http testbed creates random path commands and applies random transforms to paths and then flattens transforms. Of course in reality..
IE9: Why setting “-ms-transform” works from css, but not with jquery.css() afaik Firefox doesn't. Furthermore I think JQuery .css ... transforms properties like 'background color' to their DOM scripting equivalent.. case before parsing it. To be complete JQuery.css indeed transforms dashed properties to camelCase . Here's a representation of..