javascript Programming Glossary: tokenizer
Javascript: Regular Expression to parse a formula return this.tokens this.cursor direction Defined tokens tokenizer.addToken 'whitespace' ' s ' tokenizer.addToken 'l_paren' ' '.. Defined tokens tokenizer.addToken 'whitespace' ' s ' tokenizer.addToken 'l_paren' ' ' tokenizer.addToken 'r_paren' ' ' tokenizer.addToken.. 'whitespace' ' s ' tokenizer.addToken 'l_paren' ' ' tokenizer.addToken 'r_paren' ' ' tokenizer.addToken 'float' ' 0 9 . 0..
Porting to Javascript (Node.js) the regular expression parse tree thanks to the ret.js tokenizer and it works pretty well but the actual generation and concatenation..
Generate syntax tree for simple math operations BISON or any other similar package is to first write a tokenizer that can parse input and serve tokens. Basically you need a.. can parse input and serve tokens. Basically you need a tokenizer that provides getNextToken peekNextToken and skipNextToken...
Division/RegExp conflict while tokenizing Javascript tokenizing Javascript I'm writing a simple javascript tokenizer which detects basic types Word Number String RegExp Operator..
Usage of toString in JavaScript [duplicate] working versions in @Joey's answer the braces prevent the tokenizer from treating the dot as part of the number literal instead.. as does writing 1.0.toString or 1..toString since the tokenizer knows that the second dot must be a token on its own and not..
Where can I find a yacc gammar for ECMAscript/Actionscript/Javascript [closed] grammar for one of these languages and combine it with the tokenizer we wrote. Presumably this is something easy to Google but I..