javascript Programming Glossary: tokenize
How have an xslt javascript extension function return a node-set? language JScript implements prefix my CDATA function tokenize input var doc new ActiveXObject 'Msxml2.DOMDocument.6.0' var.. head body h1 Example h1 ul xsl apply templates select my tokenize 'Kibology for all' ul body html xsl template xsl template match..
Javascript: Regular Expression to parse a formula share improve this question It's probably easier to tokenize the expression you want to parse. When tokenized it's way easier.. easier to tokenize the expression you want to parse. When tokenized it's way easier to read that stream of tokens and build your.. function name expression this.tokens name expression tokenize function data this.buildExpression data var tokens this.findTokens..
Firefox bad RegEx performance down to one line of code which executes some regex to tokenize the code to parse. Of course this line is executed pretty often...
Division/RegExp conflict while tokenizing Javascript tokenizing Javascript I'm writing a simple javascript tokenizer which detects basic types Word Number String RegExp Operator.. mechanism of detecting it Thanks. javascript regex token tokenize share improve this question You can tell by what the preceding..
Why is arr = [] faster than arr = new Array? First we go through the lexical analysis phase where we tokenize the code. By way of example the following tokens may be produced..