javascript Programming Glossary: toboolean
All objects in JavaScript are truthy per the spec, but in the DOM one non-primitive object is not. Which? I was asking is the following. The ECMAScript spec defines ToBoolean as follows As you can see all non primitive objects i.e. all.. unusual behaviors The user agent must act as if the ToBoolean operator in JavaScript converts the object returned for all.. edition 5 . The JavaScript specification requires that the ToBoolean operator convert all objects to the true value and does not..
How to use the double not (!!) operator in javascript I'm with you it is completely safe because internally the ToBoolean operation will be executed on the condition expression see Step..
why does if(“string”) evaluate “string” as true but if (“string”==true) does not? Let exprRef be the result of evaluating Expression . If ToBoolean GetValue exprRef is true then Return the result of evaluating.. the result of evaluating the second Statement . 9.2 ToBoolean The abstract operation ToBoolean converts its argument to a.. second Statement . 9.2 ToBoolean The abstract operation ToBoolean converts its argument to a value of type Boolean according to..
Is there a standard function to check for null, undefined, or blank variables in JavaScript? in ECMA Javascript. Find it in the specification at the ToBoolean section. Furthermore if you don't know whether a variable exists..
Do the && and || operators convert their operands to booleans? LogicalANDExpression. Let lval be GetValue lref . If ToBoolean lval is false return lval. Let rref be the result of evaluating.. LogicalORExpression. Let lval be GetValue lref . If ToBoolean lval is true return lval. Let rref be the result of evaluating.. explained through using truthy and falsy values for which ToBoolean covers a truthy value is one for which ToBoolean returns true..