javascript Programming Glossary: today's
Getting current date and time in JavaScript and create a new method of the Date object to return today's date and time. These new methods or properties will be inherited..
What does “return false;” do? page '#FormSubmit' .submit function e stores the input of today's data var log_entry #LogEntry .val prevent the form from submitting..
JavaScript string concatenation is the only browser which really suffers from this in today's world. Versions 5 6 and 7 were dog slow. 8 does not show the..
How to get current date in JavaScript today It's quite complex but it will give you today's date in the format of mm dd yyyy. Simply change today mm ' '..
How do I pre-populate a jQuery Datepicker textbox with today's date? do I pre populate a jQuery Datepicker textbox with today's date I have a very simple jQuery Datepicker calendar document.. do I get jQuery to pre populate the textbox itself with today's date on page load without the user doing anything 99 of the.. load without the user doing anything 99 of the time the today's date default will be what they want. javascript jquery jquery..
Embeddable Google Analytics “Flair”? showing a customizable selection of stats say for example today's and the week's visitors and maybe a chart or two to embed into..
Why is Javascript's Math.floor the slowest way to calculate floor in Javascript? as I would expect that people implementing Javascript in today's modern browsers would be some pretty smart people. Does floor..
How do I create a chromeless window? to accomplish this type of window look from the web with today's browsers javascript html css silverlight share improve this..
Facebook gives “Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URL” error in Chrome on with Chrome here Update I discovered that Chrome on today's machine was blocking the login pop up when I was calling FB.login..
How to add number of days to today's date? to add number of days to today's date I need to be able to add 1 2 5 or 10 days to today's date.. today's date I need to be able to add 1 2 5 or 10 days to today's date using jQuery. javascript jquery date share improve this..
What are the benefits and dangers of adding methods to Object.prototype in Javascript? years ago but I'm wondering if things have changed for today's JavaScript. Are there any real world examples of a major modern..
In jQuery, is selecting by class or id faster than selecting by some other attribute? Indeed it seems the scene has changed somewhat with today's browsers. Maybe it also has to do with improvements in jQuery..
Why would I want to use jQuery? that's still time you've spent on that instead of solving today's problems. Common language . Using a common framework is like..
How to check if input date is equal to today's date? to check if input date is equal to today's date I have a form input with an id of 'date_trans'. The format.. check if the date_trans field has a date that is equal to today's date. Its ok if the date taken is the client's date i.e. it..