

javascript Programming Glossary: this.first

Table cellIndex and rowIndex with colspan/rowspan


cellPos pos plugin .fn.cellPos function rescan var cell this.first pos cell.data cellPos if pos rescan var table cell.closest..

RequireJS: How to define modules that contain a single “class”?


function exports exports.Employee function first last this.first first this.last last define main employee function employee.. on the module name. return function Employee first last this.first first this.last last define main Employee function Employee..

Javascript getters and setters for dummies?


be used to update other values. function Name first last this.first first this.last last Name.prototype get fullName return this.first.. first this.last last Name.prototype get fullName return this.first this.last set fullName name var names name.split this.first.. this.last set fullName name var names name.split this.first names 0 this.last names 1 Now you can set fullName and first..

Difference between knockout View Models declared as object literals vs functions


Bob ko.applyBindings viewModel or var viewModel function this.firstname ko.observable Bob ko.applyBindings new viewModel What's.. with some data for example var viewModel function person this.firstname ko.observable person.firstname var person ... ko.applyBindings.. means that you can do var ViewModel function first last this.first ko.observable first this.last ko.observable last this.full ko.computed..