

javascript Programming Glossary: this.el

Saving jQuery UI Sortable's order to Backbone.js Collection


el.trigger 'update sort' this.model index render function this.el .html this.model.get 'name' ' ' this.model.get 'id' ' ' return..

Recreating a removed view in backbone js


.html initialize function render function eventName this.el .html this.template this.model.toJSON return this dispose.. what you need. The default implementation simply removes this.el and cleans up some event listeners remove function this. el.remove.. render does and that means clearing out the HTML inside this.el and removing the events by calling undelegateEvents remove function..

jQuery Mobile rendering problems with content being added after the page is initialized


the Backbone View I tried calling the widget methods again this.el .find input type 'radio' .checkboxradio this.el .find jqmData.. again this.el .find input type 'radio' .checkboxradio this.el .find jqmData role 'controlgroup' .controlgroup I tried them..

backbone.js structuring nested views and models


function this.viewB new ViewB this.viewB.parentView this this.el .append this.viewB.el ViewB Backbone.View.extend tagName h1.. ViewB Backbone.View.extend tagName h1 render function this.el .html Header text or use this.options.headerText or equivalent..

“Single-page” JS websites and SEO


html. UserListView Backbone.View.extend attach function this.el #user list this. li .each function index var userEl this var.. name this.updateName this updateName function model val this.el.text val var userData ... var userList new UserCollection userData..

Backbone.js : repopulate or recreate the view?


tagName tr events click click render function this.el .html ich.bbViewUserTr this.model.toJSON return this click function.. initialize function this.model.bind 'destroy' function this.el.hide this render function this.el.html ich.bbViewUserDetail.. 'destroy' function this.el.hide this render function this.el.html ich.bbViewUserDetail this.model.toJSON this.el.show deleteUser..

Dealing with Scope in Object methods containing 'this' keyword called by Event Listeners


Dog name id this.name name name spot this.id id id dog this.el document.getElementById this.id given there is a div with a.. this.id given there is a div with a matching this.el.addEventListener click this.speak ignore IE for simplicity attachEvent.. attaching objects to html elements so that I can go from this.el back to myDog this.el 's owner without myDog being a global..

Backbone.js - populating a collection


this.collection.fetch this.render render function this.el .html this.collection.toJSON Returns blank var myView new theView..

calling javascript on rendering views in BackBone js. post-render callback?


behold a backbone view render call render function this.el .html this.template title 'test' #1 this.renderScatterChart.. the browser gets control again. Try this render function this.el .html this.template title 'test' var _this this setTimeout function.. is already bound to the appropriate this render function this.el .html this.template title 'test' setTimeout this.renderScatterChart..