

javascript Programming Glossary: this.empty

How to overload functions in javascript?


throws an exception use the fallback method catch e this.empty .append value else if jQuery.isFunction value this.each function.. jQuery this self.html value.call this i self.html else this.empty .append value return this In implementing these types of overloads..

How to achieve pseudo-classical inheritance right on the class declaration?


to write code like this var Xyz extend Abc function base this.empty this.new this.constructor function key value base.constructor.call..

javascript memory leaks


throws an exception use the fallback method catch e this.empty .append value else if jQuery.isFunction value this.each function.. .append function return value.call this i old else this.empty .append value return this We can see that the jQuery.cleanData..

Extracting text from a contentEditable div


the text like so line 4004 of jQuery 1.4.2.js return this.empty .append this 0 this 0 .ownerDocument document .createTextNode..

Escaping text with jQuery append?


text function text if typeof text object text null return this.empty .append this 0 this 0 .ownerDocument document .createTextNode..