javascript Programming Glossary: subjective
GeoLocation API I already have into continents how I hope this isn't too subjective Thanks all php javascript api geolocation share improve this..
Detect virtual keyboard vs. hardware keyboard for Android IOS Windows Tablet Phone. Motivation very subjective When developing web applications for tablet smartphone I have..
How should I initialize jQuery? above. SO suggested The question you're asking appears subjective and is likely to be closed. Thanks everyone. javascript jquery..
Why use semicolon? [duplicate] 11 answers Are there any reasons apart from subjective visual perception and cases where you have multiple statements..
jQuery Optimization/Best Practices practices and optimzation. In order to avoid a ride down subjective lane I'll just post some examples with some hopefully easy to..
Which javascript minification library produces better results? [closed] share improve this question Better is a bit subjective here since there are multiple factors to consider even beyond..
Optimizing javascript and css requests javascript and css requests for a page Ans This is a very subjective question. It depends on what you are building. If you are worried..
javascript garbage collection if you want to work with the broadest range of browsers. subjective It's also about eight times the language classic VBScript ever..
Is var self = this; a bad pattern? ..if it's considered a bit evil and why. Evil is a silly subjective term albeit fun sometimes . I've never said it was evil just..
Is it possible to write to a file (on a disk) using JavaScript? while I hope I'm not sounding argumentative pompous or subjective. javascript ajax share improve this question Yes of course..
JSLint error: “Move the invocation into the parens that contain the function” jQuery Though I think that particular criteria is a bit subjective. Both ways seem fine in my opinion. function makes a bit more..
What are some empirical technical reasons not to use jQuery? [closed] I am not looking for religious or dogmatic arguments or subjective opinions like some other framework is better consider jQuery..
Should I render this template using JavaScript or the server? to your JS heavy site. Complexity This one is a little subjective but in some ways it's just simpler to have everything in your..