javascript Programming Glossary: stupid
Detect URLs in text with JavaScript For example is a valid URL. The path is . A pretty stupid filename but a valid filename. Also is a valid URL. The netloc.. a valid URL. The netloc hostname is . The path is . Again stupid. Also valid. This URL normalizes to which is the equivalent...
Javascript: best Singleton pattern [duplicate] have an academic education and I tend to solve problems in stupid ways. What would you propose as a better alternative my method..
Javascript escape quotes escape quotes This is so stupid but I can NOT figure this one out. I'm outputting values from..
How to change onClick handler dynamically? to only get an alert when I click on the link. What stupid thing am I doing wrong I've tried click and onClick ... script..
Is Subtracting Zero some sort of JavaScript performance trick? some code to play with in Firebug in case I did something stupid function randomList var list for var i 0 i 1000000 i list.push..
Why does (0 < 5 < 3) return true? does 0 5 3 return true This may be a stupid question but I was playing around in and I'm curious..
Check if polygon is inside a polygon is inside a polygon. I don't know if I'm asking a stupid question a teacher in highschool used to say there are no stupid.. question a teacher in highschool used to say there are no stupid questions there is only fools who don't ask but if you don't..
IE Bug (window === top) === false i external frames clipboardData Edit This is just getting stupid now window.frames window.frames false window.frames window.frames..
Change the selected value of a drop-down list with jQuery with jQuery because I'm using a CSS class for my selector stupid ASP.NET client ids... . Here are a few things I've tried ._statusDDL..
Are there any JavaScript static analysis tools? used to having my compiler complain when I do something stupid like a typo on a variable name but JavaScript has a habit of..
jQuery .find() doesn't return data in IE but does in Firefox and Chrome newbie with jQuery so I hope I haven't just done something stupid. That code above was scraped out of a forum and modified to..
Is there an alternative method to use onbeforeunload in mobile safari?
Can Javascript read the source of any web page? title I'm certain I'm doing something really obviously stupid but I've been trying to figure it out for a few hours now and..
\u200b (Zero width space) characters in my JS code. Where did they came from? so it is very unlikely that Git is to blame. It can't be a stupid joke of my colleagues because they are quite well mannered...
Iterate through object properties up with every property in the object I hope I'm not asking stupid questions I couldn't find any answers. javascript share improve..
How to change color of an image using jquery [closed] image using jquery closed First of all I am sorry for the stupid question I am going to ask. I have an image of a mug. When any..
is there an easy way to convert jquery code to javascript? code to javascript hopefully the question doesn't sound stupid but there are lots of examples out there of achieving certain..
How do I add a simple onClick event handler to a canvas element? add an event handler to it. I'm sure I'm doing something stupid but I've searched all over and nothing that is suggested e.g...