javascript Programming Glossary: script.readystate
Can script.readyState be trusted to detect the end of dynamic script loading? script.readyState be trusted to detect the end of dynamic script loading I use.. load labjs share improve this question In Opera the script.readyState property cannot be trusted. For example the readyState loaded.. 0100 Opera 9.64 Windows NT 5.1 U en Presto 2.1.1 Test for script.readyState behavior started Added script with onreadystatechange handler..
Load javascript async, then check DOM loaded before executing callback null script.onreadystatechange function if script.readyState 'complete' if dom_loaded run_immediately callback else onload_queue.push.. script.onload null script.onreadystatechange null else if script.readyState 'loaded' eval script if dom_loaded run_immediately callback..
dynamic script loading synchronization Web standards or the onreadystatechange checking for the script.readyState property getting equal to loaded or complete in Internet Explorer...