javascript Programming Glossary: screen.width
Getting the width/height of the entire browser in IE? trying to accomplish window.moveTo 0 0 window.resizeTo screen.width screen.height var navButtonsEtcHeight screen.height window.innerHeight.. screen.height window.innerHeight var navButtonsEtcWidth screen.width window.innerWidth Note For browser independent solution to window.innerHeight..
Whats the algorithm to calculate aspect ratio? I need an output like: 4:3, 16:9 in FF3 I'm unsure what support other browsers have for screen.width and screen.height . html body script type text javascript function.. javascript function gcd a b return b 0 a gcd b a b var w screen.width var h screen.height var r gcd w h document.write pre document.write..
jQuery Screen Resolution Height Adjustment screen resolution in JS use screen object screen.height screen.width Based on that values you can calculate your margin to whatever..
Detect rotation of Android phone in the browser with javascript alert 'HOLY ROTATING SCREENS BATMAN ' window.orientation screen.width false You can then check the window.orientation property to.. out which way the device is oriented. With Android phones screen.width or screen.height also updates as the device is rotated. this..
How to detect page zoom level in all modern browsers? thanks to this example or this answer FF3.5 ONLY screen.width media query screen width see below takes advantage of the fact.. screen width see below takes advantage of the fact that screen.width uses device pixels but MQ width uses CSS pixels thanks to Quirksmode.. ratio' '' a b maxIter epsilon var ff35DevicePixelRatio screen.width mediaQueryBinarySearch 'min device width' 'px' 0 6000 25 .0001..
Can js/jQuery determine the orientation of the iPhone? to test this document .ready function var screenX screen.width screenY screen.height alert X screenX Y screenY if screenX 320..
Difference between screen.availHeight and window.height to do with your website. Take a look at screen.height and screen.width . Do you recognize them They are the pixels your screen can..
how to get web page size, browser window size, screen size in a cross-browser way?
Center a popup window on screen? it like this function popupwindow url title w h var left screen.width 2 w 2 var top screen.height 2 h 2 return url title..
Get the device width in javascript question You can get the device screen width via the screen.width property. Sometimes it's also useful to use window.innerWidth..
Mobile detection using Javascript [closed] if needed. Use a slight delay. setTimeout function if screen.width 480 screen.height 480 location.replace ' mobile ' 100 That's..
jQuery/JS, iOS 4 and $(document).height() problems 320px for our test window.orientation 0 screen.height screen.width Returns height of the visible area It decreases if you zoom.. function var tH window.orientation 0 screen.height screen.width getIOSWindowHeight return tH 1 tH 0 Such technique has only..