javascript Programming Glossary: scores
D3 - how to deal with JSON data structures? horizontally but only for user jim . var data user jim scores 40 20 30 24 18 40 user ray scores 24 20 30 41 12 34 var chart.. jim . var data user jim scores 40 20 30 24 18 40 user ray scores 24 20 30 41 12 34 var chart div#charts .append svg.. chart.selectAll rect .data function d return d3.values d.scores .enter .append rect .attr y function d i return i 20 .attr width..
Keep a JavaScript variables value after a page refresh? [closed] jQuery plugins. for example with totalStorage var scores new Array scores.push 'name' 'A' points 10 scores.push 'name'.. for example with totalStorage var scores new Array scores.push 'name' 'A' points 10 scores.push 'name' 'B' points 20 scores.push.. var scores new Array scores.push 'name' 'A' points 10 scores.push 'name' 'B' points 20 scores.push 'name' 'C' points 0 .totalStorage..
The context of “this” in Meteor template event handlers (using Handlebars for templating) true. Let's use an example from the docs template name scores #each player playerScore each template template name playerScore.. of playerScore. Let's modify the html template name scores span class click me Y U NO click me span #each player playerScore.. template ... and add an event handler for .click me on the scores template 'click .click me' function console.log..
User recognition without cookies or local storage score then use Importance to resolve conflicts when scores are the same. Proof of Concept For a simple proof of concept..
How to get data with JavaScript from another server? the HTML from anotherPage.html alert results .find div.scores .html show scores div in results For external domains I've had.. anotherPage.html alert results .find div.scores .html show scores div in results For external domains I've had to author a local..
Getting the closest string match metrics already have a natural tendency to give low scores to strings that are meant to match down the diagonal . This.. at 1. What this means is that if the best of the two scores value phrase and value words isn't very good the match is greatly.. but we don't greatly penalize the worst of the two scores. Essentially this puts emphasis on requiring i either i the..
Parsing JSON with JavaScript My question is how to parse http liveupdate scorestrip scorestrip.json using Javascript Is this possible Any good.. is how to parse http liveupdate scorestrip scorestrip.json using Javascript Is this possible Any good tutorials.. like to set this up on a website to view the NFL team scores for a fun project and a good learning experience about parsing..
How do I freeze the first and last columns of an html table in a scrollable div? I understand your intentions a bit better Paginate the scores. Give the most recent ten say and the total and a link to older.. the most recent ten say and the total and a link to older scores which are provided 10 at a time Only give names totals and some.. I wont need to keep scrolling left and right to see which scores correspond to which names Highlight a row when it is clicked..
What are the best practices for making online high score lists in JavaScript based games? and the score to my server via AJAX . Submitting fake scores to this list would be fairly easy One could take a look at the.. Tamper Data and Charles if it's a multiplayer game accept scores calculated by clients and compare them. Cheaters will be pretty..