javascript Programming Glossary: robots.txt
How to restrict AJAX API from unwanted use (e.g. someone performing a SELECT *) improve this question First declare your intentions in robots.txt . Then send a Set Cookie header with a nonce or some kind of.. refer to the terms of service and obey the directives in robots.txt . IANAL but I believe the DMCA can be made to apply in this..
Tell bots apart from human visitors for stats? we've got a bot. Bots will often though not always respect robots.txt. Users don't care about robots.txt and we can probably assume.. not always respect robots.txt. Users don't care about robots.txt and we can probably assume that anybody retrieving robots.txt.. and we can probably assume that anybody retrieving robots.txt is a bot. We can go one step further though and link a dummy..
how do web crawlers handle javascript ensure that certain pages get indexed. Take a look at your robots.txt file and make a good sitemap http wiki Robots.txt..
MDN javascript docs for offline use users. At least make sure https robots.txt which asks for gentle throttling is properly handled. Wget does..