javascript Programming Glossary: re
JavaScript. Solution to detect mobile browser [duplicate] to detect mobile browser duplicate This question already has an answer here What is the best way to detect a handheld.. browser duplicate This question already has an answer here What is the best way to detect a handheld device in jQuery.. jQuery 30 answers I'm looking for a function which return boolean value if user has mobile browser or not. I know..
What is an elegant way to force browsers to reload cached CSS/JS files? is an elegant way to force browsers to reload cached CSS JS files I have noticed that some browsers in.. files I have noticed that some browsers in particular Firefox and Opera are very zealous in using cached copies of .css.. that some browsers in particular Firefox and Opera are very zealous in using cached copies of .css and .js files even..
jQuery Mobile: Markup Enhancement of dynamically added content tried to use these methods ' data role page ' .trigger 'create' and ' data role page ' .page Also how can I prevent enhancement.. 'create' and ' data role page ' .page Also how can I prevent enhancement markup of check boxes only javascript jquery.. only javascript jquery html5 jquery mobile cordova share improve this question Disclaimer This article can also be found..
How do I “think in AngularJS” if I have a jQuery background? Can you describe the paradigm shift that is necessary Here are a few questions that might help you frame an answer How.. you describe the paradigm shift that is necessary Here are a few questions that might help you frame an answer How do I.. I architect and design client side web applications differently What is the biggest difference What should I stop doing..
Why RegExp with global flag in Javascript give wrong results? RegExp with global flag in Javascript give wrong results What is the problem with this regular expression when.. give wrong results What is the problem with this regular expression when I use the global flag and the case insensitive.. wrong results What is the problem with this regular expression when I use the global flag and the case insensitive flag..
How to get caret position in textarea? to get caret position in textarea How do you get the caret position in.. to get caret position in textarea How do you get the caret position in text area using JavaScript.. to get caret position in textarea How do you get the caret position in text area using JavaScript For example This is..
Is javascript guaranteed to be single-threaded? javascript guaranteed to be single threaded Javascript is known to be single threaded in all modern.. to be single threaded Javascript is known to be single threaded in all modern browser implementations but is that specified.. totally safe to assume that javascript is always single threaded javascript concurrency share improve this question That's..
Event handlers inside a Javascript loop - need a closure? handlers inside a Javascript loop need a closure I'm working with a bit of html and Javascript code that I've.. code that I've taken over from someone else. The page reloads a table of data via an asynchronous request every ten seconds.. else. The page reloads a table of data via an asynchronous request every ten seconds and then re builds the table using some..
Is JavaScript 's “new” Keyword Considered Harmful? [closed] JavaScript 's &ldquo new&rdquo Keyword Considered Harmful closed In another question a user pointed out that.. was dangerous to use and proposed a solution to object creation that did not use new ... I didn't believe that was true.. exactly same thing that he didn't use the new keyword anymore in his code Crockford on JavaScript Act III Function the Ultimate..
Validate email address in JavaScript? email address in JavaScript How can an email address be validated in JavaScript.. email address in JavaScript How can an email address be validated in JavaScript javascript regex validation email.. an email address be validated in JavaScript javascript regex validation email email validation share improve this question..
How do you pass a variable to a Regular Expression JavaScript? do you pass a variable to a Regular Expression JavaScript I'd like to create a String.replaceAll method.. variable to a Regular Expression JavaScript I'd like to create a String.replaceAll method in JavaScript and I'm thinking.. Regular Expression JavaScript I'd like to create a String.replaceAll method in JavaScript and I'm thinking that using a RegEx..
Convert Data URI to File then append to FormData URI to File then append to FormData I've been trying to re implement an HTML5 image uploader like the one on the Mozilla.. issue is that while canvas has the toDataURL function to return a representation of the image file the FormData object only.. that while canvas has the toDataURL function to return a representation of the image file the FormData object only accepts..
Get image data in Javascript? image data in Javascript I have a regular HTML page with some images just regular IMG HTML tags ... I have a regular HTML page with some images just regular IMG HTML tags . I'd like to get their content base64 encoded.. HTML tags . I'd like to get their content base64 encoded preferably without the need to redownload the image ie. it's already..
How much speed is gained with RequireJS/AMD in JS? much speed is gained with RequireJS AMD in JS How much faster is requireJS actually on a.. separately and loaded asynchronously in production. Regarding the speed of loading a single large JS file vs multiple.. summarizes a bunch of script loading techniques. Update Re CDN usage Steve Souders posted a detailed analysis of using..
Get the browser viewport dimensions with JavaScript
Why is it a bad practice to return generated HTML instead of JSON? Or is it? of your page with what comes back from the Ajax request Re building a portion of page in JS is quite hard You probably..
Javascript Function and Form Name conflict the currently executing function was created. Stop Here Re read that last sentence. This is known as the scope chain the..
how to load json in jqgrid rownumbers true width 1250 filter true filterOptions stringResult false searchOnEnter true enableClear true autosearch.. issue_status Assigned assigned_to neo issue_description Re for accounts issue_id 3215 issue_raised_date 2012 03 10 issue_status.. filter_user neo userName admin sidx null sord asc stringResult null total 1 any help would be great javascript jquery..
Requirejs domReady plugin vs Jquery $(document).ready()? domReady plugin vs Jquery document .ready I am using.. domReady plugin vs Jquery document .ready I am using requirejs and.. and need to initialize something on dom ready. Now Requirejs provides domReady plugin http docs api.html#pageload..
Javascript: Regular Expression to parse a formula Regular Expression to parse a formula I have been working on a.. formula.split s g for var i 0 i f.length i tFormula f i Replacing PI tFormula tFormula.replace pi gi Math.PI dObj._1_pi_done.. tFormula.replace pi gi Math.PI dObj._1_pi_done tFormula Replacing Squareroot with placeholder tFormula tFormula.replace..
Need to set cursor position to the end of a contentEditable div, issue with selection and range objects the div. So we need to reinsert the cursor where it was. Re evaluate the cursor position taking into account the added character...
How to know the size of the image to be uploaded with javascript? you can't count on any client side validation ever. Re the File API here's how you'd check to see if the File API is.. function showFileSize var input file if typeof window.FileReader 'function' write The file API isn't supported on this browser..
javascript garbage collection it's automatic. For example function foo var bar bar new ReallyMassiveObject bar.someCall When foo returns the object bar.. to it. Contrast with function foo var bar bar new ReallyMassiveObject bar.someCall return bar elsewhere var b foo.. of scope. Also contrast with function foo var bar bar new ReallyMassiveObject bar.someCall setTimeout function alert Three..
$(document) vs. $(“document”) function a string you're actually giving it a selector . Re edit as patrick dw says in the context of ready there's no difference...
difference between “void 0 ” and “undefined” undefined therefore producing equivalent smaller code . Re OP comment yes I read the documentation but in the example I..
Converting html to svg using javascript/jquery the equivalent element in SVG with absolute positioning. Re sort the SVG elements you created by the hierarchy of z indices...
Can I name a javascript function and execute it immediately? HTML in response replace DOM add events addEventsAndStuff Re adding the events is necessary because the DOM has changed so..
Creating nested models in Backbone with Backbone-relational collection Altered the Todo model to extend RelationalModel instead of Model with a HasMany relation to TodoSubitem.. `text` `order` and `done` attributes. window.Todo Backbone.RelationalModel.extend relations type Backbone.HasMany key 'children'.. relatedModel 'Todo' collectionType 'TodoList' reverseRelation key 'parent' includeInJSON 'id' initialize function..
What does $(function() {} ); do? post some code to show what's not working as expected Edit Re reading your question it could be that your function is running..
Setting innerHTML: Why won't it update the DOM? var b a now a 'foo' b 'foo' b 'bar' now a 'foo' b 'bar' Re assigning b doesn't change a . Edited to add In case it's not..
“Force Reflow” in CSS transitions in Bootstrap Force Reflow&rdquo in CSS transitions in Bootstrap Revising the bootstrap.. Force Reflow&rdquo in CSS transitions in Bootstrap Revising the bootstrap modal jquery plugin from Twitter's bootstrap.. myelement.css z index 1 var reflow root.offset .left Re flow the page Set the transition class on the element which..
Dynamically arranging divs using jQuery
GeoLocation API PS Asia PT Europe PW Australia PY South America QA Asia RE Africa RO Europe RS Europe RU Europe RW Africa SA Asia SB Australia..
Strange things in JavaScript “for” See this article on the MDC for more information. EDIT RE Self calling functions A self calling function is a function..
Replacing the nth instance of a regex match in Javascript like a function to do this function pipe_replace str n var RE new RegExp ^ 0 9 n 1 0 9 return str.replace RE 1 2 share improve..
Can't Deserialize GoogleMaps DirectionsResult Object RAW JSON OBJECT TO DB I USE ExtJs var z eval ' ' str ' ' REHYDRATING DirectionsResult RAW JSON OBJECT FixDirectionResult.. RAW JSON OBJECT FixDirectionResult z ATTEMPT TO RE ESTABLISH ORIGINAL OBJECTS directionsRenderer.setDirections..
Regular Expression: Allow letters, numbers, and spaces (with at least one letter or number) this question You simply need to specify your current RE followed by a letter number followed by your current RE again.. RE followed by a letter number followed by your current RE again ^ A Z0 9 _ A Z0 9 A Z0 9 _ Since you've now stated they're.. A Z0 9 A Z0 9 _ Since you've now stated they're Javascript REs there's a useful site here where you can test the RE against..
Javascript .replace command replace page text? temp references for performance tmptxt tmpnode compile the RE and cache the replace string for performance cakeRE cake g replaceValue.. the RE and cache the replace string for performance cakeRE cake g replaceValue pie iterate through all text nodes while.. tmpnode.nodeValue tmpnode.nodeValue tmptxt.replace cakeRE replaceValue Don't Do This While you can use string operations..
Can I load an entire HTML document into a document fragment in Internet Explorer? be sufficient for this function. see http TR REC xml #NT NameChar var att ^ a z0 9 ._ var tag a z var any ^.. hand space Important Must be pre and postfixed by and . RE matches a whole tag function ae string var all_chars_lowercase.. ents string var all_chars_uppercase string.toUpperCase var RE_res for var i 0 i string.length i var char_lowercase all_chars_lowercase.charAt..
Javascript: REGEX to change all relative Urls to Absolute REGEX to change all relative Urls to Absolute I'm currently creating.. Urls found in the scripting part of the source I figured REGEX would do the trick. Although it is unknown how I would achieve.. Expressions are dynamically created because an individual RE can have a size of 3000 characters. meta http equiv refresh..