javascript Programming Glossary: rangy
Character offset in an Internet Explorer TextRange from it. Update 9 August 2011 I'd now suggest using my own Rangy library which is similar in idea to IERange but much more fully..
How to find cursor position in a contenteditable DIV? UPDATE Following the OP's comments I suggest using my own Rangy library which adds a wrapper to IE TextRange object that behaves..
Tag-like autocompletion and caret/cursor movement in contenteditable elements caret share improve this question You could use my Rangy library which attempts with some success to normalize browser..
Cross Browser Selection Range Library? a cross browser Range and selection library called Rangy . Its core is not dissimilar in concept to IERange but goes.. http p rangy The following uses some Rangy extensions to Ranges to easily iterate over text nodes within..
Get a range's start and end offset's relative to its parent container properly would be tricky. I've now attempted it for my Rangy library. Live example http TjXEG 496 function getCaretCharacterOffsetWithin..
Set caret position right after the inserted element in a contentEditable div markerSpan Alternatively you could use my Rangy library . The equivalent code there would be function insertNodeAtCaret..
replace innerHTML in contenteditable div simple highlighting numbers. Googling around i decide that Rangy library is the best solution. I have following code function.. execept div begin. Also console.log types following Rangy warning Module SaveRestore Marker element has been removed... rangy share improve this question The problem is that Rangy's save restore selection module works by inserting invisible..
Insert link in contenteditable element if any were created at all is tricky. You could use my own Rangy library var sel rangy.getSelection if sel.rangeCount var links..
How do I wrap a text selection from window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0) with an html tag? is surround each text node within the Range in a span . My Rangy library has a module that does this and works cross browser.. 8 does not natively support DOM Range . Example code using Rangy style type text css span.highlighted background color yellow..
how to get selection inside a div using jquery/javascript return selectedText Alternatively you could use my Rangy library and the code becomes function getSelectedTextWithin..
Full text search in HTML ignoring tags / & of the TextRange and CSS class applier modules of my Rangy library as in the following demo http svn..
How to get caret position within contenteditable div with html child elements? If you are changing the content I'd suggest using my Rangy library's save restore selection module . var saveSelection..
wrapping a selected text node with span for those browsers. You can use a library such as my own Rangy to normalize browser behaviour and you may find the CSS class..
Javascript Text Selection Page Coordinates of this with fallbacks for older browsers to my Rangy library soon. UPDATE I submitted a WebKit bug as a result of..