

javascript Programming Glossary: ray

D3 - how to deal with JSON data structures?


jim . var data user jim scores 40 20 30 24 18 40 user ray scores 24 20 30 41 12 34 var chart d3.select div#charts .append.. via selection.data the number of elements in your data array should match the number of elements in the selection. Your data.. match the number of elements in the selection. Your data array has two elements for Jim and Ray but the selection you are binding..

Three.js Projector and Ray objects


that it seems in all the examples using both projector and ray objects the unproject method is called before the ray is created... and ray objects the unproject method is called before the ray is created. When would you use projectVector I am using the.. the mouse3D and camera and then create the Ray. Does the ray depend on the call to unprojectVector Event fired when the mouse..

Converting World coordinates to Screen coordinates in Three.js using Projection


HEIGHT 2 1 0.5 projector.unprojectVector vector camera var ray new THREE.Ray camera.position vector.subSelf camera.position.. vector.subSelf camera.position .normalize var intersects ray.intersectObjects scene.children I have been attempting to the..

THREE.js Ray Intersect fails by adding div


div with fixed height and width above the target div ray.intersectObjects returns null. I doubt that the vector that.. null. I doubt that the vector that I am creating for ray is causing the problem. Here is the code. var vector new THREE.Vector3.. 2 1 0.5 projector.unprojectVector vector camera var ray new THREE.Ray camera.position vector.subSelf camera.position..

Free Open Source In-browser image editors [closed]


to integrate with my project http code.google.com p django ray I got it working with Pixlr quite easily and the editor is fantastic..

How to get object in WebGL 3d space from a mouse click coordinate


For instance the user clicks a piece and you imagine a ray traveling through 3D space that goes through both the piece.. function which converts screen coordinates into a ray cast from the camera position into the 3D world. You must then.. camera position into the 3D world. You must then perform ray triangle intersection tests to find the closest triangle to..

Three.js - how to detect what shape was selected? after drag


mouse.y 0.5 projector.unprojectVector vector camera var ray new THREE.Ray camera.position vector.subSelf camera.position.. camera.position .normalize if SELECTED var intersects ray.intersectObject plane SELECTED.position.copy intersects 0 .point.subSelf.. 0 .point.subSelf offset return var intersects ray.intersectObjects objects if intersects.length 0 if INTERSECTED..

D3 - how to deal with JSON data structures?


height 20 Could anyone point what I made wrong Thanks Ray javascript json svg d3.js share improve this question When.. selection. Your data array has two elements for Jim and Ray but the selection you are binding it to only has one SVG element... SVG elements or put the score rects for both Jim and Ray in the same SVG element If you want to bind both data elements..

Three.js Projector and Ray objects


Projector and Ray objects I have been trying to work with the Projector and Ray.. objects I have been trying to work with the Projector and Ray classes in order to do some collision detection demos. I have.. what exactly some of the methods of Projector and Ray are doing. I have a couple questions that I am hoping will be..

Converting World coordinates to Screen coordinates in Three.js using Projection


projector.unprojectVector vector camera var ray new THREE.Ray camera.position vector.subSelf camera.position .normalize var.. working for me. Their solution does not use a projected Ray and I am pretty sure that since 2D to 3D uses unprojectVector..

THREE.js Ray Intersect fails by adding div


Ray Intersect fails by adding div My Three.js script runs fine.. projector.unprojectVector vector camera var ray new THREE.Ray camera.position vector.subSelf camera.position .normalize var.. Any ideas on how I can solve this. EDIT it is now THREE.Raycaster three.js r.56 javascript three.js share improve this..

JavaScript and Threads


4 and the WebKit nightlies have worker threads JavaScript Ray Tracer Chrome has Gears baked in so it can do threads although..