

javascript Programming Glossary: projector.unprojectvector

Three.js Projector and Ray objects


0.5 Project from camera through the mouse and create a ray projector.unprojectVector mouse3D camera var ray new THREE.Ray camera.position mouse3D.subSelf.. event.clientY window.innerHeight 2 1 mouse3D.z 0.5 projector.unprojectVector mouse3D camera var ray new THREE.Ray camera.position mouse3D.subSelf.. projection matrix to transform it to our 3D world space. projector.unprojectVector mouse3D camera With the mouse3D point converted into the 3D..

Converting World coordinates to Screen coordinates in Three.js using Projection


var vector new THREE.Vector3 x WIDTH 2 1 y HEIGHT 2 1 0.5 projector.unprojectVector vector camera var ray new THREE.Ray camera.position vector.subSelf..

THREE.js Ray Intersect fails by adding div


event.clientX divWidth 2 1 event.clientY divHeight 2 1 0.5 projector.unprojectVector vector camera var ray new THREE.Ray camera.position vector.subSelf..

how to Get CLICKED element in THREE.js


2 1 event.clientY window.innerHeight 2 1 0.5 projector.unprojectVector vector camera var ray new THREE.Ray camera.position vector.subSelf..

Three.js - how to detect what shape was selected? after drag


2 1 var vector new THREE.Vector3 mouse.x mouse.y 0.5 projector.unprojectVector vector camera var ray new THREE.Ray camera.position vector.subSelf.. var vector new THREE.Vector3 mouse.x mouse.y 0.5 projector.unprojectVector vector camera var ray new THREE.Ray camera.position vector.subSelf..