javascript Programming Glossary: propagation
event.preventDefault() vs. return false difference between those two methods of stopping event propagation For me return false is simpler shorter and probably less error.. javascript jquery javascript events event handling event propagation share improve this question return false from within a jQuery..
How do I prevent a parent's onclick event from firing when a child anchor is clicked? to handle this click event. a div javascript jquery event propagation share improve this question Events bubble to the highest..
How can I simulate a click to an anchor tag? attribute of the event which remains unchanged during propagation . Obviously IE does this internally holding a reference to its..
Event propagation in Javascript propagation in Javascript If I have an element html nested in another element.. this and speed things up javascript jquery events event propagation share improve this question events almost always bubble.. understand the capture phase and bubbling phase of event propagation. EDIT http mark posts view speed up javascript event..
How to detect a click outside an element? Attach a separate click event to the window which stops propagation to the document body. 'html' .click function Hide the menus..
Prevent form submission with enter key was pressed . Does anyone know of a way to use the event propagation model to correctly fire the enter key on the appropriate element..
What is DOM Event delegation? each child through the magic of event bubbling aka event propagation . When an event is triggered on an element the following occurs.. registered on each successive EventTarget. This upward propagation will continue up to and including the Document . Event bubbling..
How can I trigger an onchange event manually? and you're not bothered about the event object or bubbling propagation the easiest method is to just call that function element.onchange..
Get difference between 2 dates in javascript?
How to stop event propagation with inline onclick attribute? to stop event propagation with inline onclick attribute Consider the following div onclick..
What is event bubbling and capturing Event bubbling and capturing are two ways of event propagation in HTML DOM. In bubbling the event is first captured and handled..
Javascript with jQuery: Click and double click on same element, different effect, one disables the other table Cheers javascript jquery events event bubbling propagation share improve this question The general idea Upon the first..
Prevent scrolling of parent element? and thoght I could stop this behaviour with event.stoppropagation #toolBox .scroll function event event.stoppropagation It does.. #toolBox .scroll function event event.stoppropagation It does enter the function but still propagation happens anyway.. event.stoppropagation It does enter the function but still propagation happens anyway the document scrolls It's surprisingly hard to..