javascript Programming Glossary: poster
HTML5 video doesnt play with android video src http videos nakednews.mp4 controls poster http img iphone video btn.png id videoTeaser height..
code fails to work outside a jsFiddle video class video_1 width 50 height 50 controls controls poster http wp content uploads home bird.jpg source.. video class video_2 width 50 height 50 controls controls poster http wp content uploads home bird.jpg source..
call java function from javascript over android webview call video width 320 height 240 controls controls poster 'poster.gif' onclick window.JSInterface.startVideo 'file sdcard.. call video width 320 height 240 controls controls poster 'poster.gif' onclick window.JSInterface.startVideo 'file sdcard test.3gp'..
Sending user to their browser's Home Page using Javascript Home button. p script This is via this website . The poster states that there are issues to target Safari. This can be fixed..
jQuery get textarea text You can get the text using the value attribute as the poster before has pointed out or using jQuery's API 'input#mybutton'..
Why is bind slower than a closure? is bind slower than a closure A previous poster asked Function.bind vs Closure in Javascript how to choose and..
Javascript: Get access to local variable or variable in closure by its name [duplicate] use window 'nameOfVar' . However this only worked for the poster as he was defining variables at window level scope. I assume..
How to detect when a tab is focused or not in Chrome with Javascript? share improve this question The code the original poster gives in the question now works as of 2011 window.addEventListener..
HTML5 <video> callbacks? fade a picture in place of the video think of it like a poster frame after the video. Is this even possible Can you get the..
Why doesn't my form post when I disable the submit button to prevent double clicking? disabling the button appears to work. The original poster of Disable button after submit appears to have had the same..
HTML5 Video Dimensions javascript however it is returning the dimensions of the poster image instead of the actual video as it seems it's being calculated..
Are semicolons needed after an object literal assignment in JavaScript? semicolon insertion is performed by the interpreter so the poster of the original question can leave them out if he so chooses... a full discussion of the standard is what the original poster was after so I didn't feel it necessary to go into all of the..
How to play a video in a webview with android? I used tag video id myvideo controls width 120 height 60 poster img img01.jpg src video 01.mp4 video and then I found that I..
JavaScript Library to Bridge IndexedDB and WebSQL using Firefox or Internet Explorer use IndexedDB. The poster of this question appears to have homegrown a solution but did..
XSS - Which HTML Tags and Attributes can trigger Javascript Events? codebase data dsync formaction href icon longdesc manifest poster profile src usemap The HTML5 Index contains a summary of attribute..
Playing a movie/DVD on a website within the video js frameworks f.e. wrong bad codec video poster movie.jpg controls source src 'movie.webm' type 'video webm'..
How do I focus an HTML text field on an iPhone (causing the keyboard to come up)? this question It comes as no help to you but the last poster in this thread wrote that its a bug of the webkit engine. I..