

javascript Programming Glossary: popups

popup window in Chrome extension


can be used to show popup windows but they show popups only when the page action's icon or browser action's icon is..

easiest way to open a download window without navigating away from the page


without navigating away from the current page or opening popups which doesnt work well in IE6. javascript share improve this..

force window.open() to create new tab in chrome


will create a new tab preferred behavior and some cause popups. var w window.open '' '_new' w.document.write page_content page_content.. We don't have time to train all the users on how to manage popups and we just need it to be in a new tab. Heck even a new window..

Save source of popup window as string?


exactly sure what Chrome's restrictions for cross domain popups is so you may have to check your local settings for that. share..

<iframe> javascript access parent DOM across domains?


cross domain data transmission between frames iframes and popups. It works like an event system. IE8 supports this feature apparently..

Is javascript guaranteed to be single-threaded?


be raised whilst script is still threaded when the modal popups alert confirm prompt are open in all browsers but Opera during..

window.focus() not working in Google Chrome


this is a security feature in Chrome to avoid annoying popups. windowHandles windowTarget .focus else Need to do this so.. alert You have a popup blocker enabled. Please allow popups for location.protocol location.host else if _blank windowTarget.. this is a security feature in Chrome to avoid annoying popups. that.focus windowHandles windowTarget else Need to do this..

Facebook gives “Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URL” error in Chrome


you execute FB.login without user action webkit blocks the popups. For instance I used an invite system on my project. There was..

Are there any JavaScript library for cross browser desktop notification?


current browser. For example when IE is minimized all popups are not displayed. So Google Chrome is only one browser that..

How do you get window.open to work in internet explorer 7?


trying for the past 3 hours to get my svg web site to open popups and all I ever get is Permission Denied errors in internet explorer... error. What is the currently accepted standard for opening popups in internet explorer... that works javascript internet explorer..

Best JavaScript solution for client-side form validation and interaction?


style changes and our new designs call for tooltip like popups ala qTip for some errors. Snappiness User experience is key..

Prevent pop-ups from being blocked


on a user event as it opens a popup. Most browsers block popups unless they were initiated from a user event such as a click..

Change the native confirm/alert


control the appearance of confirm or alert Javascript popups because they are native controls so their appearance is based..

Detect blocked popup in Chrome


window at the lower right corner which lists blocked popups. What I would like to do is be able to tell if the popup was..

window.onunload is not working properly in Chrome browser. Can any one help me?


boxes are such things. But what is possible AFAIK Open popups with window.open but this will just work if the popup blocker..