

javascript Programming Glossary: postdata

AngularJS Failed Resource GET


error non GET class actions Resource.action parameters postData success error non GET instance actions instance. action parameters..

How can I hide the jqgrid completely when no data returned?


'amount' width 80 align 'right' pager jQuery '#pager' postData testvar whatever rowNum 10 rowList 10 20 30 sortname 'id' sortorder.. 'amount' width 80 align 'right' pager jQuery '#pager' postData testvar whatever rowNum 10 rowList 10 20 30 sortname 'id' sortorder..

Scrape / eavesdrop AJAX data using JavaScript?


Implement ajaxSuccess functionality XHR.send function postData this.addEventListener 'load' function Method this._method .. this._url Response body this.responseText Request body postData return send.apply this arguments Getting it to work in a Chrome..

Sending additional parameters to editurl on JQgrid


rowList 20 40 60 80 pager '#prowed3' sortname 'piezaId' postData piezaId lastsel mtype POST viewrecords true sortorder desc..

How to post an array of complex objects with JSON, jQuery to ASP.NET MVC Controller?


sid 'Placeholder' ph 'Position' i results.push o var postData widgets results var widgets results .ajax url ' portal Designer.mvc..

Javascript/jquery to download file via POST with JSON data


Here's how it can be done .post ' create_binary_file.php' postData function retData body .append iframe src ' retData.url ' style..

Cross-site XMLHttpRequest


like this php Grab the variables postURL _GET 'posturl' postData 'name' _GET 'dataName' postData 'age' _GET 'dataAge' Here POST.. postURL _GET 'posturl' postData 'name' _GET 'dataName' postData 'age' _GET 'dataAge' Here POST to abc.com MORE INFO http uk3.php.net..

How can I set postData._search to true in the request in jqGrid?


can I set postData._search to true in the request in jqGrid While I've been able.. true in the request. var data grid.jqGrid getGridParam postData data._search true data.searchString id.toString data.searchOper.. eq data.searchField userid grid.jqGrid setGridParam postData data grid.trigger reloadGrid The fields are added correctly..

How can I preserve the search filters in jqGrid on page reload?


what I need and this question is the closest How can I set postData._search to true in the request in jqGrid . As I'm struggling.. function xhr var grid jQuery '#' block_id var postData grid.jqGrid 'getGridParam' 'postData' jQuery.extend postData.. '#' block_id var postData grid.jqGrid 'getGridParam' 'postData' jQuery.extend postData filters MyFilters grid.jqGrid 'setGridParam'..

asp.net: Invalid postback or callback argument


System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListBox.LoadPostData String postDataKey NameValueCollection postCollection 360 System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListBox.System.Web.UI.IPostBackDataHandler.LoadPostData.. String postDataKey NameValueCollection postCollection 13 System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessPostData.. 13 System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessPostData NameValueCollection postData Boolean fBeforeLoad 346 System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain..

JQGrid Custom Sorting


type POST url 'AJAX GetContacts' datatype json postData JSON.stringify ID '#ID' .val loadonce true sortable true caption..

How can I hide the jqgrid completely when no data returned?


document .ready function #list .jqGrid datatype function postdata jQuery.ajax url 'Service JQGridTest.asmx AssetSearchXml' .. url 'Service JQGridTest.asmx AssetSearchXml' data postdata dataType xml complete function xmldata stat if stat success..

Angular HTTP post to PHP and undefined


the JSON. That can be achieved in PHP like this postdata file_get_contents php input request json_decode postdata email.. postdata file_get_contents php input request json_decode postdata email request email pass request password Alternately if you..

How to use JSONP to overcome XSS issue?


help in how to use this technique function sendPost url postdata callback xmlHttp GetXmlHttpObject if xmlHttp null alert Browser.. callback xmlHttp.open POST url true xmlHttp.send postdata function sendInitRQ width height var post xml version 1.0 encoding..

How do I reload a page without a POSTDATA warning in Javascript?


workaround the POST itself javascript refresh reload postdata share improve this question Just changing window.location..

Download file through an ajax call php


ajax ajax is function that has all the XML HTTP Requests postdata data document.getElementById id .value ajaxRequest.onreadystatechange.. Type' 'application x www form urlencoded' ajaxRequest.send postdata I create the csv file based on the user input. After it's created..

jquery jqgrid Show message when an edit row is complete


reloadAfterSubmit false afterSubmit function response postdata if response.responseText ok success true else success false..

Implementing Delete and Edit operations in jqgrid


body for the HTTP DELETE onclickSubmit function params postdata params.url ' Sector ' encodeURIComponent postdata ' ' share..

How do I get jqGrid to work using ASP.NET + JSON on the backend?


complete function 'table.scroll' .jqGrid datatype function postdata mtype POST .ajax url 'EDI.asmx GetTestJSONString' type POST..

jqgrid - upload a file in add/edit dialog


Jquery Ajax File Uploader . function UploadImage response postdata var data .parseJSON response.responseText if data.success true..