javascript Programming Glossary: php
Reference: Why does the PHP (or other server side) code in my Javascript not work? I have this code script type text javascript var foo 'bar' php file_put_contents 'foo.txt' ' foo ' var baz php echo 42 alert.. foo 'bar' php file_put_contents 'foo.txt' ' foo ' var baz php echo 42 alert baz script Why does this not write bar into my.. does this not write bar into my text file but alerts 42 php javascript share improve this question Your code is split..
Pass a PHP string to a Javascript variable (and escape newlines) construct my Javascript in a PHP file ala script var myvar php echo myVarValue script However this doesn't work when myVarValue.. doesn't work when myVarValue contains quotes or newlines. php javascript escaping newline share improve this question Expanding.. Expanding on someone else's answer script var myvar php echo json_encode myVarValue script This does require PHP 5.2.0..
How to pass JavaScript variables to PHP? hidden1 .value sa script form name myform action php echo _SERVER ' PHP_SELF' method POST input type hidden name.. method POST input type hidden name hidden1 id hidden1 form php salarieid _POST 'hidden1' query select from salarie where salarieid.. display the query result. table Thanks for your advice. php javascript variables share improve this question You cannot..
jQuery Ajax POST example with php Ajax POST example with php I am trying to send data from a form to a database. Here is.. Here is the form I am using form name foo action form.php method POST id foo label for bar A bar label input id bar name.. form's data and submit it to a PHP script in example form.php php javascript jquery ajax post share improve this question..
Reference: Why does the PHP (or other server side) code in my Javascript not work? Why does the PHP or other server side code in my Javascript not work Note This.. . HTTP request browser web server Javascript PHP etc. client side server side HTML CSS Javascript .. The two sides communicate via HTTP requests and responses. PHP is executed on the server and outputs some HTML and maybe Javascript..
How do I “think in AngularJS” if I have a jQuery background? DI . If you come from a server side language from Java to PHP you're probably familiar with this concept already but if you're..
Pass a PHP string to a Javascript variable (and escape newlines) a PHP string to a Javascript variable and escape newlines What is.. and escape newlines What is the easiest way to encode a PHP string for output to a Javascript variable I have a PHP string.. a PHP string for output to a Javascript variable I have a PHP string which includes quotes and newlines. I need the contents..
How to pass JavaScript variables to PHP? to pass JavaScript variables to PHP I want to pass JavaScript variables to PHP using a hidden input.. variables to PHP I want to pass JavaScript variables to PHP using a hidden input in a form. But I can't get the value of.. sa script form name myform action php echo _SERVER ' PHP_SELF' method POST input type hidden name hidden1 id hidden1..
How can you encode a string to Base64 in JavaScript? can you encode a string to Base64 in JavaScript I have a PHP script that can encode a PNG image to a Base64 string. I'd like..
jQuery Ajax POST example with php to capture all of the form's data and submit it to a PHP script in example form.php php javascript jquery ajax post.. are deprecated in favor of .done .fail and .always. PHP i.e. form.php you can access the values posted by jQuery.ajax..
JavaScript equivalent to printf/string.format I'm looking for a good JavaScript equivalent of the C PHP printf or for C# Java programmers String.Format IFormatProvider..