javascript Programming Glossary: offer
Browser/HTML Force download of image from src=“data:image/jpeg;base64…” 9j 4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD 2wBDAAMCAgICAgM.... I want to offer the possibility to download the generated Image. How can I realize..
rails and backbone working together many nowadays to abandon the latter of these two and just offer a rich client side interface. What you decide to do depends..
How do I stop a page from unloading (navigating away) in JS? it to false. If warning is true and the page is unloaded I offer them a confirmation box if they say no they would like to stay..
Microsoft CDN for jQuery or Google CDN? jQuery.Validate Microsoft doesn't host jQuery UI Microsoft offers their scripts that would otherwise be served via ScriptResource.axd..
Javascript memory profiler for Firefox this is harmless whereas my opinion differs. I'd like to offer some proof to prove whether I'm right or not. javascript firefox..
Detect 64-bit or 32-bit Windows from User Agent or Javascript? or 32 bit Windows from User Agent or Javascript I want to offer the right version of a download. The versions I have are 32..
Access parent's parent from javascript object oop share improve this question JavaScript does not offer this functionality natively. And I doubt you could even create..
Disabling browser print options (headers, footers, margins) from page? plug in reliant mime type. Please note If some browsers offer this and others don't or if you only know how to do it for some.. margins headers and footers. I am very aware that CSS offers the option of changing the page orientation as well as the..
How to display all methods in a JavaScript object? now it's worth mentioning that those browsers offer a method to get all properties of an object whether enumerable..
How can I highlight the line of text that is closest to the mouse? closest to the mouse I have a long text and I'd like to offer the user a reading help The current line should be highlighted...
jQuery/Javascript collision detection code that would do the trick Appreciate any help you can offer javascript jquery html div collision detection share improve..
Facebook Graph API - upload photo using JavaScript from the user's desktop your probable recourse is to offer the user a form enctype multipart form data input type filename..
Choosing Mobile Web HTML5 Framework [closed] for me is HTML5. Although I went over the features they offer I just wanted to know your experience if any with them. Which..
HTML Entity Decode div ' .html Chris apos corner .text JS Fiddle . Edited to offer a more interactive version 'form' .submit function var theString..
Cross-browser Save As .txt you cannot use a known MIME type because the browser won't offer to download the file then . Bonus reading there was a
Can I load an entire HTML document into a document fragment in Internet Explorer? html Paste this bookmarklet in the location's bar. It will offer an option to inject a textarea showing the sanitised HTML string...
How to get progress from XMLHttpRequest user's connection is completely hosed because most ISPs offer poor upstream. So making extra requests is not as responsive..
Highlight selected node, its links, and its children in a d3.js force directed graph
Force DOM redraw/refresh on Chrome/Mac before it goes back to its original state. Anybody care to offer a better version of this redraw refresh hack preferably based..