javascript Programming Glossary: office
Generate excel sheet from html tables using jquery base64 ' template ' html xmlns o urn schemas microsoft com office office xmlns x urn schemas microsoft com office excel xmlns.. ' template ' html xmlns o urn schemas microsoft com office office xmlns x urn schemas microsoft com office excel xmlns http com office office xmlns x urn schemas microsoft com office excel xmlns http TR REC html40 head if gte mso 9..
HTML Table to Excel Javascript base64 ' template ' html xmlns o urn schemas microsoft com office office xmlns x urn schemas microsoft com office excel xmlns.. ' template ' html xmlns o urn schemas microsoft com office office xmlns x urn schemas microsoft com office excel xmlns http com office office xmlns x urn schemas microsoft com office excel xmlns http TR REC html40 head if gte mso 9..
Javascript OOP best practices? [closed]
Razor Syntax and Javascript type text javascript var jqGridIdList Url.Action getidlist office new area reports var availableIds for var i 0 i Model.Data.Count.. text javascript var jqGridIdList @Url.Action getidlist office new area reports var availableIds @for var i 0 i Model.Data.Count.. text javascript var jqGridIdList @Url.Action getidlist office new area reports var availableIds @for var i 0 i Model.Data.Count..
Multiple Google Maps infowindow map_canvas myOptions setMarkers map offices Data for the markers consisting of a name a LatLng and a zIndex.. these markers should display on top of each other. var offices cfoutput #officeList# cfoutput function setMarkers map locations.. should display on top of each other. var offices cfoutput #officeList# cfoutput function setMarkers map locations Add markers..
Export dynamic html table to excel in javascript in firefox browser base64 ' template ' html xmlns o urn schemas microsoft com office office xmlns x urn schemas microsoft com office excel xmlns.. ' template ' html xmlns o urn schemas microsoft com office office xmlns x urn schemas microsoft com office excel xmlns http com office office xmlns x urn schemas microsoft com office excel xmlns http TR REC html40 head if gte mso 9..