javascript Programming Glossary: odd
Where should I declare JavaScript files used in my page? In <head></head> or near </body>? right before the body close tag put function tr nth child odd .addClass odd with appropriate styling that effect being applied.. the body close tag put function tr nth child odd .addClass odd with appropriate styling that effect being applied will often..
JavaScript - Test for an integer return false if intValue 0 return false return true The odd thing is I have entered individual characters into the textbox..
Backbone.js Empty Array Attribute Empty Array Attribute I'm running into an odd issue with a Backbone.js Model where an array member is being..
rails and backbone working together a look at O'Reilly's RESTful Web Services . It might seem odd to be recommending a book on REST in a question about Rails..
javascript location.hash refreshing in IE to the loading. Any ideas on how to solve this More odd behavior The hash is coming from else where in the web app via..
Understanding Firebug profiler output own then. However you have definitely come across some odd behavior which needs to be explained. The own time is the amount..
Why does typeof NaN return 'number'? The logarithm of a negative number The tangent of an odd multiple of 90 degrees or 2 radians The inverse sine or cosine..
What is the event precedence in JavaScript? practical purposes there have been and continue to be some odd edge cases where browsers differ somewhat and of course the..
window.onbeforeunload not working on the iPad? the onunload event does fire. It's behavior is somewhat odd whatever you have in your callback function attached to the.. loaded yet but server logging will show that it has . More oddly if you have a confirm call in your onunload and the user has..
JavaScript: remove element by id element Having to go to the parent node first seems a bit odd to me is there a reason JavaScript works like this javascript..
Javascript global variables enumerable doesn't show up in statements . That's odd particularly given the below. window.a 0 ...creates a property..
jQuery click / toggle between two functions reggi FcvaD 1 var count 0 #time .click function count even odd click detect var isEven function someNumber return someNumber.. function someNumber return someNumber 2 0 true false on odd clicks do this if isEven count false this .animate width 260px..
Testing whether a value is odd or even whether a value is odd or even I decided to create simple isEven and isOdd function..
jqGrid: change background color of row based on row cell value by column name you can follow the example loadComplete function tr.jqgrow odd .addClass 'myAltRowClass' from the answer but instead of ' odd'.. .addClass 'myAltRowClass' from the answer but instead of ' odd' filter you can write the filter yourself using jQuery.filter..
What is the ProgId or CLSID for IE9's Javascript engine (code-named “Chakra”) . There is no ProgId that I could find. That's a bit odd normally paired ProgId and CLSID entries refer to each other...
Autosizing textarea using prototype modified the code a little because it was acting a little odd I changed it to activate on keyup because it wouldn't take into..
Jquery getJSON cross domain problems ' p li ' .appendTo #lineupswitch else ' li class odd ' this.cname ' a href ' this.href ' class lineup thumb img src..
jQuery/JS, iOS 4 and $(document).height() problems JS iOS 4 and document .height problems I've run into an odd issue with what appears to be various versions of Webkit browsers...