javascript Programming Glossary: nosql
Building a website using node.js - best practice [closed] advise to use a more.. 'modern' approach which is to use a NoSQL database as most Node projects seem to do. MongoDB via Mongoose..
Storing Image Data for offline web application (client-side storage database) Firefox is using SQLite so are kind of implementing a NoSQL database in to SQL database Chrome and WebKit are using a Key..
Best server-side javascript servers [closed] been faster than V8 and could be faster again include an NoSQL Object oriented JavaScript datastore with a native REST API.. in live data between many visitor browsers 10gen MongoDB A NoSQL Document store allowing code in either Erlang JavaScript using.. JavaScript using spidermonkey Apache CouchDB Another NoSQL Document store also allowing code in either Erlang JavaScript..
Creating a live checkers-like web app with PHP, JS, CSS and HTML? couple of users I'd stick to the database. There are some NoSQL options available out there but in my experience MySQL is much..
Nodejs and, is it pure javascript? couchdb . If your going to use node I recommend you use a NoSQL database like couch or mongodb Try mongoose if your using mongo..
CouchBase mixed with Memcached, loss of most CouchDB philosophies and functionality? but it's not CouchDB's last version but just another NoSQL database. So if you were used to CouchDB you could just use..