javascript Programming Glossary: notion
Can I lookup the IP address of a hostname from javascript? javascript dns share improve this question There's no notion of hosts or ip addresses in the javascript standard library...
How can I give keyboard focus to a DIV and attach keyboard event handlers to it? Do I simply need to implement an application specific notion of keyboard focus I should add I only need this to work in Firefox...
iframe accessing parent DOM? is it possible for a script within an iframe to have any notion of the page containing it Can a script in the frame access any..
Does JavaScript have the interface type (such as Java's 'interface')? javascript oop share improve this question There's no notion of this class must have these functions that is no interfaces..
Get the reference name of an object? debugging purposes say then you ought to get rid of that notion. If you're just trying to test that the connection was made..
Why is JavaScript prototyping? I put 'class' in quotes since strictly speaking JS has no notion of 'class'. In JS you work on objects which are defined as functions...
Length of Javascript Object (ie. Associative Array) arrays it only has objects which can be used as a notion of associative arrays . javascript arrays javascript objects..
What is a JavaScript “Proxy Pattern”? &ldquo Proxy Pattern&rdquo I've come across the notion of 'Proxy Pattern' today on but could not make anything..
Why is null an object and what's the difference between null and undefined? JavaScript I don't know. In short undefined is where no notion of the thing exists it has no type and it's never been referenced..
prototype based vs. class based inheritance to be able to use static type checking so we got the notion of a fixed class set at compile time. In the open class version..
Does “untyped” also mean “dynamically typed” in the academic CS world? literature. To understand it it helps to know that the notion of type was invented in the 1930s in the context of lambda calculus..