javascript Programming Glossary: nodevalue
SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL a problem. If you have it inside of a string e.g. the nodeValue of a DOM element that has no visible content you might expect..
Replacing from javascript dom text node the text content for a div node by concatenating the nodeValue of all child nodes where nodeType Node.TEXT_NODE. The resulting.. String.fromCharCode 160 g return str.replace re textNode.nodeValue replaceNbsps textNode.nodeValue UPDATE Even easier textNode.nodeValue.. str.replace re textNode.nodeValue replaceNbsps textNode.nodeValue UPDATE Even easier textNode.nodeValue textNode.nodeValue.replace..
How to replace text in html document without affecting the markup? oldText newText else support to IE node.nodeValue node.nodeValue.replace oldText newText else not a text mode.. oldText newText else support to IE node.nodeValue node.nodeValue.replace oldText newText else not a text mode look forward replaceText.. don't have a textContent property in IE you should use the nodeValue property and it also doesn't implements the Node interface...
jQuery: Watching for nodevalue change Watching for nodevalue change I want to watch for the nodeValue change of an element that's edited with contenteditable. Basically.. contenteditable's nodevalue its text content '#ce' .watch 'nodeValue' function propName oldVal newVal #text .text newVal Here's the..
Why won't this JavaScript (using and document.write) work in Internet Explorer or Opera? null nextSibling null nodeName #document nodeType 9 nodeValue null normalize function normalize open function open ownerDocument..
How do I get the title of a youtube video if I have the Video Id? doc load url title doc getElementsByTagName title item 0 nodeValue html head title Get Video Name title head body form action test.php..
Unescape HTML entities in Javascript? input return e.childNodes.length 0 e.childNodes 0 .nodeValue htmlDecode lt img src 'myimage.jpg' gt returns img src 'myimage.jpg'.. assign the encoded HTML to its innerHTML and retrieve the nodeValue from the text node created on the innerHTML insertion. It will..
Get all Attributes from a HTML element with Javascript/jQuery names. If you need the attribute value you can use the nodeValue property var nodes values for var attr i 0 attrs el.attributes..
How to access CSS generated content with JavaScript pseudo element treeWalker comes to mind and then get its nodeValue If you start to type 'jQuery' now please reconsider to change..
JavaScript: Add elements in textNode if childNode.nodeType 3 3 a Text Node var strSrc childNode.nodeValue for Text Nodes the nodeValue property contains the text var.. Node var strSrc childNode.nodeValue for Text Nodes the nodeValue property contains the text var strSearch Special String var..
Javascript Regex to replace text NOT in html attributes [duplicate] node break function handleText textNode textNode.nodeValue textNode.nodeValue.replace test gi TEST Live example The changes.. function handleText textNode textNode.nodeValue textNode.nodeValue.replace test gi TEST Live example The changes you'll need to.. will be in handleText . Specifically rather than updating nodeValue you'll need to Find the index of the beginning of each word..
How to retrieve the text of a DOM Text node? of these properties to retrieve its text textContent data nodeValue wholeText But which one to use which one is the most reliable.. nodes... javascript dom share improve this question nodeValue should be is cross browser compatible. It is part of the original..