

javascript Programming Glossary: lowercase

How can you find the height of text on an HTML canvas?


Bespin they do fake a height by measuring the width of a lowercase 'm'... I don't know how this is used and I would not recommend..

How to do two-way filtering in angular.js?


that depends on the ngModel controller module.directive 'lowercase' function return restrict 'A' require 'ngModel' link function.. same element that already has the ngModel input type text lowercase ng model foo.bar input Here's a working example that transforms.. input Here's a working example that transforms text to lowercase in the input and back to uppercase in the model The API Documentation..

innerHTML removes attribute quotes in Internet Explorer


may be helpfull It quotes attributes and sets tagnames to lowercase. By the way to make it even more annoying IE's innerHTML doesn't..

Creating dynamic context menu in Chrome Extension is failing


^ 0 9 return number else if str.match ^ a z return lowercase string else return other chrome.extension.onMessage.addListener.. selection msg.selection type type if type number type lowercase string console.log Creating context menu with title type chrome.contextMenus.removeAll..

jQuery password strength checker


or more if this.value.length 5 strength contains lowercase characters if this.value.match a z strength contains digits..

JavaScript KeyCode Values are “undefined” in Internet Explorer 8


undefined but that same property of window.event note the lowercase e has the value. You might try using window.event . function..

OO Javascript constructor pattern: neo-classical vs prototypal


WScript.echo b.toString EDIT code updated to switch to lowercase class name. This pattern has evolved from Crockford's earlier..

Can anyone recommend a good, free javascript for punycode to Unicode conversion? [closed]


is d which needs to be in the range 0 to base 1. The lowercase form is used unless flag is nonzero in which case the uppercase.. skew encode_basic bcp flag forces a basic code point to lowercase if flag is zero uppercase if flag is nonzero and returns the..

Firing a keyboard event on Chrome


evt where key is the desired key and keyCode changes lowercase letters into highercase and also calls charCodeAt . My problem..

How can I force input to uppercase in an ASP.NET textbox?


can also easily change your regex on the validator to use lowercase and uppercase letters. That's probably the easier solution than..

How to access a numeric property?


Sort JavaScript array of Objects based on one of the object's properties


these ways is that they will not sort uppercase ABC before lowercase abc since it will treat them as the same. To fix that you will..

'this' keyword, not clear


FULL list of JavaScript keycodes


have keyCodes 96 105 which corresponds to the beginning of lowercase alphabet in ASCII. This could lead to problems in validating..

Regular Expression: Allow letters, numbers, and spaces (with at least one letter or number)


where you can test the RE against input data. If you want lowercase letters as well ^ A Za z0 9 _ A Za z0 9 A Za z0 9 _ share..

Slow executing js in IE and FF


isn't very efficient since it has to recalculate a lowercase version of each name for every comparison. You could prebuild.. each name for every comparison. You could prebuild all the lowercase versions in one pass once per item and then just use them in..