javascript Programming Glossary: ko.utils.unwrapobservable
Knockout is slow when unchecking checkboxes on a large (1000) dataset element click function var options ko.utils.unwrapObservable valueAccessor array options.array don't unwrap array because.. we want to update the observable array itself value ko.utils.unwrapObservable options.value checked element.checked ko.utils.addOrRemoveItem.. checked update function element valueAccessor var options ko.utils.unwrapObservable valueAccessor array ko.utils.unwrapObservable options.array..
Autocomplete combobox with Knockout JS template / JQuery valueAccessor allBindings allBindingsAccessor unwrap ko.utils.unwrapObservable modelValue allBindings.jqAutoValue source allBindings.jqAutoSource.. a model change var allBindings allBindingsAccessor unwrap ko.utils.unwrapObservable modelValue unwrap allBindings.jqAutoValue '' valueProp allBindings.jqAutoSourceValue..
Knockout content editable custom binding update function element valueAccessor var value ko.utils.unwrapObservable valueAccessor if element.innerHTML value element.innerHTML..
When to use ko.utils.unwrapObservable? to use ko.utils.unwrapObservable I've written a few custom bindings using KnockoutJS. I'm still.. allBindings allBindingsAccessor var valueUnwrapped ko.utils.unwrapObservable value In this case they invoke the observable via but then also.. case they invoke the observable via but then also call ko.utils.unwrapObservable . I'm just trying to get a handle on when to use one vs. the..