javascript Programming Glossary: ko.computed
Binding true / false to radio buttons in Knockout JS this.IsMale ko.observable true this.IsMale.ForEditing ko.computed read function return this.IsMale .toString write function..
Knockout causing “slow running script” warning in IE monthAmount.Amount monthAmount.DateKey self.totalAmount ko.computed function var sum 0 for var i 0 i self.monthAmounts.length i.. avoid long running script warning in IE self.averageAmount ko.computed function return self.totalAmount self.monthAmounts.length .toFixed.. new Date new Date .getFullYear monthIndex 1 self.amount ko.computed function var val 0 for var i 0 i resourceCategories.length i..
Knockout is slow when unchecking checkboxes on a large (1000) dataset to a writable computed observable this.allItemsSelected ko.computed read function return this.selectedItems .length this.items .length..
How can I use knockout's $parent/$root pseudovariables from inside a .computed() observable? the equivalent of those pseudovariables when I'm using a ko.computed observable declared in JavaScript I've got a parent viewmodel.. calls my computed evaluator function name 'Bob' isSelected ko.computed function return data root.selectedChild But no such luck inside.. name parent ko.observable name this.isSelected ko.computed function return this parent.selectedItem this var ViewModel..
knockout syntax error self.newTaskText ko.observable self.incompleteTasks ko.computed function return ko.utils.arrayFilter self.tasks function task..
Difference between knockout View Models declared as object literals vs functions ko.observable first this.last ko.observable last this.full ko.computed function return this.first this.last this So your computed observable.. ko.observable Bob last ko.observable Smith viewModel.full ko.computed function return this.first this.last viewModel In that case..
Determine if an object property is ko.observable var vm prop ko.observable '' arr ko.observableArray func ko.computed function return this.prop computed vm for var key in vm console.log..