javascript Programming Glossary: ko.observable
Binding true / false to radio buttons in Knockout JS model would look like var ViewModel function this.IsMale ko.observable true this.IsMale.ForEditing ko.computed read function return..
How to use function an exampleViewModel function exampleViewModel this.P1 ko.observable .extend required true this.P2 ko.observable .extend required.. this.P1 ko.observable .extend required true this.P2 ko.observable .extend required true this.P3 ko.observable .extend required.. true this.P2 ko.observable .extend required true this.P3 ko.observable .extend required true this.P4 ko.observable .extend required..
Knockout is slow when unchecking checkboxes on a large (1000) dataset data this.orderId data.orderId this.contentReferenceId ko.observable data.contentReferenceId this.includeInSoundscript ko.observable.. data.contentReferenceId this.includeInSoundscript ko.observable This is the filter methods self.getFilters function var filterOrders..
Knockout JS binding initial/default value of dropdown (select) list MVC Model and ViewBag. var viewModel sourceMaterialTypes ko.observableArray @Html.Raw Json.Encode ViewBag.SourceMaterialTypes selectedSourceMaterialType.. ViewBag.SourceMaterialTypes selectedSourceMaterialType ko.observable @Html.Raw Json.Encode Model.SourceMaterialType ingredientTypes.. Json.Encode Model.SourceMaterialType ingredientTypes ko.observableArray @Html.Raw Json.Encode ViewBag.IngredientTypes selectedIngredientType..
Knockout JS mapping plugin without initial data / empty form if ko.isWriteableObservable data property data property ko.observable populate the observable with the element's value could be optional..
Trailing commas in JavaScript the last element of the books array var viewModel books ko.observableArray title .. display function return .. title .. display function.. .. display function return .. right there currentTemplate ko.observable bookTemplate1 displayTemplate function return viewModel.currentTemplate..
Handling dates with Asp.Net MVC and KnockoutJS 123 And get var viewModel name value knockoutProperty ko.observable 123 So you can get a Knockout view model without any client..
Knockout JS - How to correctly bind an observableArray ko.utils.arrayMap myFruit function fruit return name ko.observable fruit this.fruit ko.observableArray observableFruit ko.applyBindings.. function fruit return name ko.observable fruit this.fruit ko.observableArray observableFruit ko.applyBindings new ViewModel Apple banana..
Difference between knockout View Models declared as object literals vs functions see View Models declared as either var viewModel firstname ko.observable Bob ko.applyBindings viewModel or var viewModel function this.firstname.. viewModel or var viewModel function this.firstname ko.observable Bob ko.applyBindings new viewModel What's the difference between.. for example var viewModel function person this.firstname ko.observable person.firstname var person ... ko.applyBindings new viewModel..