

javascript Programming Glossary: invokation

Where is my 'this'? Using objects method as a callback function


how you call your function. if you call it like function invokation myfunction this is bound to the global object if you call it.. is bound to the global object if you call it like method invokation myobject.myfunction this gets bound to myobject you can also.. gets bound to myobject you can also call it like so call invokation myfunction.call myobject in which case this gets bound to myobject..

Passing variables through handlebars partial


#if headline h1 headline h1 if p Lorem Ipsum p div And the invokation should look something like this section myPartial 'headline'..

Preserving a reference to “this” in JavaScript prototype functions


obj.method just as a simple function call in this type of invokation the this keyword inside will refer to the Global object it will..