

javascript Programming Glossary: ints

Drawing lines in canvas, but the last ones are faded


in javascript on a canvas you'd better have them in half ints. See illustration The first horizontal line was drawn with a..

What is the JavaScript >>> operator and how do you use it?


them to Numbers that can be expressed as 32 bit unsigned ints. Although JavaScript's Numbers are double precision floats the.. defines Array indexes in terms of 32 bit unsigned ints. So if you're trying to implement array.filter in a way that.. surprise me if some JavaScript engine actually used ints when it could for performance reasons. But that would be an..

Why is my function call that should be scheduled by setTimeout executed immediately?


nevertheless if the arguments are scalar values strings ints etc . The third format is a bit unclear so in this case the..

Setting the value (selected option) of a dijit.form.Select widget


share improve this question Even if your values are ints if you set your integer to a string then this will work. dijit.byId..

What is JavaScript's Max Int? What's the highest Integer value a Number can go to without losing precision?


bitwise operators and shift operators operate on 32 bit ints. Test it out var x 9007199254740992 var y x x x 1 true y y 1..

Converting a decimal value to a 32bit floating-point hexadecimal


bitwise operator apparently converts them to signed 32 bit ints. Compare the ECMAScript specification section 8.5 last paragraph...

How do you pass variables from c# to javascript?


c# to javascript to use some jquery code. Passing doubles ints strings arrays. Does anyone know how to do this for example..

Integers in JavaScript


As you read JS numbers are all 64 bit floats. There are no ints. Firefox 4 will have support for Typed Arrays where you can.. support for Typed Arrays where you can have arrays of real ints and such https developer.mozilla.org en JavaScript_typed_arrays..

Best JavaScript solution for client-side form validation and interaction?


are complicated. Presentation Some fields are floats or ints. Validation means stripping non decimal characters but we also.. la Hibernate Validator . It has support for custom constraints and I feel that it is pretty powerful. Here is also a Stackoverflow.. the framework. Presentation With custom validation constraints you can bind validation to the onChange element. Also because..

JavaScript pack integers and calculate arbitrary precision float:


Int32Array and Float64Array would let you write your two ints into a buffer and read them back out as a double. Unfortunately..

Check if every element in one array is in a second array


p all that matters is that p and from p are ints if isInt p isInt from p this.add p from p IntBag.prototype..