

javascript Programming Glossary: input.focus

How to highlight a part part of an Input text field in HTML using Javascript or JQuery


Cup of tea input.setSelectionRange 0 3 Highlights Cup input.focus In older versions of IE 9 you'll need to use one of their tiresome..

JavaScript: Visibility error in Internet Explorer when setting focus on an input element


execution ... element.style.display '' show container input.focus IE thinks element is hidden end of execution IE repaints the..

set cursor to specific position on specific line in a textarea


selectionStart selectionEnd if input.setSelectionRange input.focus input.setSelectionRange selectionStart selectionEnd else if..

How do I put a clear button inside my HTML text input box like the iPhone does?


span onclick var input this.previousSibling input.value '' input.focus span span body html You only ends up with uglier HTML and non..

Selecting Part of String inside an Input Box with jQuery


function setInputSelection input startPos endPos input.focus if typeof input.selectionStart undefined input.selectionStart..

Focus Input Box On Load


obj.attachEvent obj.attachEvent 'onfocus' placeCursorAtEnd input.focus Here's an example of how I would accomplish this with jQuery...

jQuery Set Cursor Position in Text Area


selectionStart selectionEnd if input.setSelectionRange input.focus input.setSelectionRange selectionStart selectionEnd else if..

How to know if the text in a textbox is selected?


else if typeof document.selection undefined input.focus return document.selection.createRange .text input.value share..

Mobile Safari Autofocus text field


If triggered immediately functionality occurs as expected input.focus If called by callback triggers the focusin event but does not.. but does not bring up keyboard or cursor var t setTimeout input.focus 500 script body html ~Similar~ SO questions programmatically..

How do I focus an HTML text field on an iPhone (causing the keyboard to come up)?


is loaded bringing up the keyboard. The usual Javascript input.focus doesn't seem to be working. Any ideas javascript iphone html..