

javascript Programming Glossary: ins

Object comparison in JavaScript [duplicate]


simple JSON style objects without methods and DOM nodes inside JSON.stringify obj1 JSON.stringify obj2 The ORDER of the.. Comparing dates is a common scenario. Another built ins We can even handle functions passed across iframes if typeof.. iframes if typeof x 'function' typeof y 'function' x instanceof Date y instanceof Date x instanceof RegExp y instanceof..

Javascript curry - what are the practical applications?


response to EmbiggensTheMind's comment I can't think of an instance where currying ”by itself ”is useful in JavaScript it is.. converting function calls with multiple arguments into chains of function calls with a single argument for each call but JavaScript.. with partial application though. John Resig explains it better but the gist is that have some logic that will be..

What is the best back button jQuery plugin? [closed]


back button jQuery plugin closed I have found two plugins that enable the browser's back button to work across ajax interactions.. but I can't determine which is better and why. The two plugins are history_remote and the history . The history plug in is.. is best in this scenario and why Are there any other plug ins that I missed that might be better Are there any limitations..

Microsoft CDN for jQuery or Google CDN?


one of the best tools out there is Firebug and some plug ins for it Page Speed and YSlow . If you use a CDN but your pages..

JavaScript: min & max Array values?


the built in Array object to use Math.max Math.min instead Array.prototype.max function return Math.max.apply null.. return Math.min.apply null this Augmenting the built ins can cause collisions with other libraries some see so you may..

Unobtrusive Javascript rich text editor?


off just using an open source all Javascript solution instead. I'm a recent convert to jQuery and I've been amazed at.. you to control what your user can do. Some of the plug ins such as the image manager are great and easy to implement. Nice..

What useful custom jQuery selectors have you written?


yet James Padolsey has a great collection of selector plug ins for elements in view for external links for elements with a..

JavaScript get clipboard data on paste event (Cross browser)


and CKEditor use this technique Detect a ctrl v shift ins event using a keypress event handler In that handler save the..

How to scroll to specific item using jQuery?


this table using jQuery Javascript. Should I look for plug ins for this task or there are built in methods Here is a little.. share improve this question Dead simple. No plugins needed . var container 'div' scrollTo '#row_8' container.scrollTop..

Facebook Connect for one application with multiple domains?


Connect for one application with multiple domains I'm implementing a plug in that's embeddable in different sites.. you register. The question is how can I have multiple domains for a single Facebook application assuming When users Allow.. that If not is my only option is to manage all the log ins from a single domain and pass the cookies back to the original..

What is meant by ?śleaking??into global scope?


loaders and defining modules made available in plug ins like RequireJS or Curl . javascript jquery design patterns..

Position badge over corner of image automatically


JS jQuery EDIT Here's the problem The image is floating inside a container so the corner of the image might fall anywhere.. a container so the corner of the image might fall anywhere inside the outer limits of the container. Here's an example of what.. happens if I try to use position absolute top 0 left 0 inside the same container the image is bound by javascript jquery..

How to read an excel file contents on client side?


JavaScript in a browser. So without any additional plug ins you will not be able to read write Excel files from the browser... only IE supports ActiveX objects. There may be other plugins for other browsers but i am aware of none. In the first place.. reading of the excel in the server side in a servlet for instance . You will have to use a input type 'file' in the JSP within..

Is it possible to access local file via javascript?


object on the line where I am creating ActiveXObject instance. I understand that it's considered very bad to access hard.. C source.txt C target.txt 1 I've put the above code inside a simple HTML page and it worked perfect. http www.c point.com.. Security Custom Level Under the ActiveX controls and plug ins select Enable for Initializing and Script ActiveX controls not..

Best dynamic JavaScript/JQuery Grid [closed]


the following features I should be able to create an instance of the grid at run time and add to DOM. Supports column.. backed by a suite of 2600 unit tests Wide variety of plug ins inc. TableTools FixedColumns KeyTable and more It's free State..

jQuery Phone number format [closed]


looks like this p class phone 2124771000 p Are there plug ins that can do this or regex javascript jquery format phone ..

Javascript: what's the point of RegExp.compile()?


where I want to get a regexp from the user and run it against a few thousand input strings. In the manual I found that the.. has a .compile method which is used to speed things up ins such cases. But why do I have to pass the regexp string to it..

JavaScript: What dangers are in extending Array.prototype?


Array.prototype Google JavaScript Style Guide advises against extending the Array.prototype . However I used Array.prototype.filter.. while extending Array.prototype that made Google advise against it javascript coding style prototype share improve this.. andrew dupont everything is permitted extending built ins 5211542 https developer.mozilla.org en JavaScript Reference..