javascript Programming Glossary: hrs
Jquery .validate require_from_group . This post is here as a time saver as this burned 3 hrs of googling for such a small detail.. FIX Just update additional..
Adding hours to Javascript Date object? milliseconds Like this new Date milliseconds 4 3600 1000 4 hrs in ms This seems really hackish though and does it even work..
Javascript Shorthand - What Does the '||' Operator Mean When Used in an Assignment? answer and I noticed the following line of javascript code hrs hrs 12 12 My Question What does the ' ' operator mean when used.. and I noticed the following line of javascript code hrs hrs 12 12 My Question What does the ' ' operator mean when used.. this question In this case the code assigns 12 to hrs if hrs 12 0 as JavaScript sees it 0 false . More generally it..
What is the current element in Javascript? this div script type text javascript var time new Date hrs time.getHours min time.getMinutes document.write 'It is ' hrs.. time.getHours min time.getMinutes document.write 'It is ' hrs min 10 '0' '' min script div Then if I want to change this to.. to write for instance in jQuery thisdiv .html 'It is ' hrs min 10 '0' '' min but how do I get thisdiv Yes I know I can..