

javascript Programming Glossary: hr

how to print part of rendered html page in javascript?


Print Test Page title script printDivCSS new String ' link href myprintstyle.css rel stylesheet type text css ' function printDiv.. body h1 b center This is a test page for printing center b hr color #00cc00 width 95 h1 b Div 1 b a href javascript printDiv.. printing center b hr color #00cc00 width 95 h1 b Div 1 b a href javascript printDiv 'div1' Print a br div id div1 This is..

How to parse a RSS feed using javascript?


feed using javascript Stack Overflow title link rel self href http stackoverflow.com feeds question 10943544 type application.. question 10943544 type application atom xml link rel hub href http pubsubhubbub.appspot.com link rel alternate href http.. hub href http pubsubhubbub.appspot.com link rel alternate href http stackoverflow.com q 10943544 type text html subtitle..

Server Side PHP Long polling


last ID in the feed which is working great..Sends this through to my PHP. I would like my php to then decide whether or.. database that is a higher id than the current it has sent through. Send it back with JSON and insert it into the feed. If.. 'divider response 'streamitem_id' ' div class 'userinfo' a href ' profile.php username response 'username' ' img class 'stream_profileimage'..

jQuery attr vs prop?


' br ' body.append 'Attr ' element.attr property ' hr ' reset element.prop property original element.attr property.. ' br ' body.append 'Attr ' element.attr property ' hr ' reset element.prop property original element.attr property.. ' br ' body.append 'Attr ' element.attr property ' hr ' reset element.prop property original element.attr property..

How does similar_text work?


Docs php p 0 similar_text 'aaaaaaaaaa' 'aaaaa' p echo p . hr 66.666666666667 Since 5 out of 10 chars match I would expect.. similar_text 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa' 'aaaaa' p echo p . hr 40 5 out of 20 not 25 similar_text 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa'.. 'aaaaa' p echo p . hr 9.5238095238095 5 out of 100 not 5 Example from PHP.net Why..

Get Locale Short Date Format using javascript


MM dd pt BR d M yyyy ro RO dd.MM.yyyy ru RU dd.MM.yyyy hr HR d.M.yyyy sk SK d. M. yyyy sq AL yyyy MM dd sv SE yyyy MM.. yyyy smj SE yyyy MM dd quz EC dd MM yyyy quz PE dd MM yyyy hr BA d.M.yyyy. sr Latn ME d.M.yyyy sma SE yyyy MM dd en SG d M..

How to stop all timeouts and intervals using javascript?


need to store every timeout and interval ID and iterate through them and clear them javascript share improve this question.. var obj in window if obj x alert 'found ' document.write ' hr ' obj ' ' typeof obj alert window.x ' ' window.y function clearAll..

In jQuery, is selecting by class or id faster than selecting by some other attribute?


IE9 .someclass 2793 ms .someclass #somecontainer 1481 ms Chrome 12 .someclass 75 ms .someclass #somecontainer 104 ms Firefox.. #somecontainer h2 span id withcontext span ms br br hr p class a a p p class b b p p class c c p p class a a p p class..

jqgrid server side error message/validation handling


alert OK loadError function jqXHR textStatus errorThrown alert 'HTTP status code ' jqXHR.status ' n' 'textStatus.. ' jqXHR.status ' n' 'textStatus ' textStatus ' n' 'errorThrown ' errorThrown alert 'HTTP message body jqXHR.responseText.. ' n' 'textStatus ' textStatus ' n' 'errorThrown ' errorThrown alert 'HTTP message body jqXHR.responseText ' ' n' jqXHR.responseText..

HTML5 dragleave fired when hovering a child element


HU6Mk 1 . HTML div id drag draggable true drag me div hr div id drop drop here p child p parent div with the following..