javascript Programming Glossary: functions
How do JavaScript closures work? a knowledge of the concepts which make up closures e.g. functions variables and the like but does not understand closures themselves..
Access / process (nested) objects, arrays or JSON structure into an array assuming it does not contain any functions function toArray obj var result for var prop in obj var value..
Most efficient way to clone an object? question the efficiency. I've also seen recursive copying functions with various flaws. I'm surprised no canonical solution exists...
Elegant workaround for JavaScript floating point number problem such case I get the correct result 0.02 I know there are functions like toFixed or rounding would be another possibility but I'd..
How do I “think in AngularJS” if I have a jQuery background? from its implementation in the link and controller functions. AngularJS comes with an entire set of tools to make this very.. So if directives aren't just collections of jQuery like functions what are they Directives are actually extensions of HTML . If..
How to “properly” create a custom object in JavaScript? the person used var self this and then uses self. in all functions to make sure the scope is always correct. Then I have seen examples.. have different approaches and class handling utility functions to paper over some of the uglier parts of the language. The..
When is JavaScript's eval() not evil? evil I'm writing some JavaScript to parse user entered functions for spreadsheet like functionality . Having parsed the formula..
array.contains(obj) in JavaScript not contain the value. jQuery has several useful utility functions . An excellent JavaScript utility library is underscore.js _.contains.. findLast documentation . Dojo has a lot of utility functions see http . Prototype array.indexOf value..
How can you encode a string to Base64 in JavaScript? to be some confusion in the comments regarding what these functions accept return so p btoa accepts a œstring where each character..
Use of 'prototype' vs. 'this' in Javascript? is functional i.e. everything is an Object including functions and functions are values. So here are the snippets in question.. i.e. everything is an Object including functions and functions are values. So here are the snippets in question var A function.. variable A is assigned a function value. In javascript functions are objects and all objects have a prototype member. So in the..
var functionName = function() {} vs function functionName() {} The previous developer uses two ways of declaring functions and I can't work out if there is a reason behind it or not...
How do I check a checkbox with jQuery? true . The benefit to using the .prop and .attr functions is that they will operate on all matched elements. Assuming..
How does JavaScript .prototype work? prototypical and not class based Just think of constructor functions as classes and the properties of the prototype ie of the object..
Javascript closure inside loops - simple practical example what to do. var funcs for var i 0 i 3 i let's create 3 functions funcs i function and store them in funcs console.log My value.. is that the variable i within each of your anonymous functions is bound to the same variable outside of the function. What..
Can a site invoke a browser extension? received when the content script fires those events. Functions If the content script defines a new global function foo as you..
Why do the :not() and :has() selectors allow quoted arguments? details of 1.8.1 are left as a historical curiosity Functions such as eq ... are implemented as eq function elements argument..
How does the “this” keyword in Javascript act within an object literal? javascript implementations we now have another rule 6 Functions can also explicitly bind this to an object using the bind method...
adding prototype to object literal using the new operator to create new object instances. Functions in JavaScript are first class objects which means you can add..
Explain JavaScript's encapsulated anonymous function syntax scope and inside the FunctionBody of other functions. Functions inside blocks should be avoided because they can lead an unpredictable.. implementations we will get the first function defined. Functions can be declared in different ways compare the following 1 A..
What is the 'new' keyword in JavaScript? . There is no other way to set or read this value. Functions in addition to the hidden prototype property also have a property..
Calling a JavaScript function named in a variable problem you should know these things about JavaScript. Functions are first class objects so they can be properties of an object..
JavaScript prototype limited to functions? the prototype property that can be used on Constructor Functions and the internal Prototype property. All objects have this internal..
How to get the global object in JavaScript? the Function constructor var global Function 'return this' Functions created with the Function constructor don't inherit the strictness..
How can I emulate “classes” in JavaScript? (with or without a third-party library) [closed]
How to get an object's properties in JavaScript / jQuery? element There are only objects in ECMA Javascript. Arrays Functions everything is an object. To know the base classname you may..
Javascript global variables used in this way is frequently called a scoping function . Functions defined within the scoping function can access variables defined..
Javascript Array of Functions Array of Functions var array_of_functions first_function 'a string' second_function..
Variable shadowing in JavaScript outer scope. This outer variable is said to be shadowed... Functions in JavaScript are just function objects stored within variables..
YouTube iframe API: how do I control a iframe player that's already in the HTML? onYouTubePlayerReady callPlayer 'frame_id' function ... . Functions are automatically queued when the player is not ready yet. 24..
Listen to multiple keydowns Other event listeners won't get the event Functions used above grouped together for code readability function reset..
JSLint: Using a function before it's defined error I should worry about It seems FF IE7 Chrome don't care. Functions like the popular init which I use often normally stick at the..
How can jQuery behave like an object and a function? javascript jquery share improve this question Functions are also objects so .each can be defined in a similar way as..
Object Oriented Javascript best practices? [closed] can ensure it won't pollute the global namespace. Wrapping Functions in JavaScript also allows to add aspect oriented behavior. Ben..