javascript Programming Glossary: fps
Performance problems with HTML5 Canvas in some mobile browsers. some stuff covered in this answer and provides a rough fps counter to benchmark. Edit this fiddle by yourself and check..
Scroll smoothly to specific element on page 'signup_form' 20 Engine object you can fiddle with filter fps values Created by Borbás Geri on 12 17 13 Copyright c 2013.. currentPosition targetPosition var filter 0.2 var fps 60 var difference parseFloat targetPosition parseFloat currentPosition.. currentPosition targetPosition 1000 fps For public use. @param id The id of the element to scroll..
How to distort an image to create flag waving in the wind effect using html5 canvas 3D shading which would help the effect. I can get 64fps with a 320px wide flag in Chrome v8 on my machine. If you want.. machine. If you want to test the speed yourself change the fps on line 59 to 1000 and uncomment lines 63 and 82 it will then.. to 1000 and uncomment lines 63 and 82 it will then output fps information every 100 frames to the console. This won't work..
capturing html5 canvas output as video or swf or png sequence? this.sequence PNGSequence.prototype.capture function fps var cap this this.sequence.length 0 this.timer setInterval function.. function cap.sequence.push cap.canvas.toDataURL 1000 fps PNGSequence.prototype.stop function if this.timer clearInterval..
Check FPS in JS? FPS in JS How would I check the fps of my javascript I'm using this to loop gameloopId setInterval.. new Date function gameLoop var thisLoop new Date var fps 1000 thisLoop lastLoop lastLoop thisLoop ... thisLoop lastLoop..
Databinding in angularjs because it is consistent. As long as they get 50 fps any performance over that is a waste since the human eye can..
jQuery get textarea text on my webpage as in you press the ` key like you do in FPS games etc. and then have it Ajax itself back to the server in..
Performance problems with HTML5 Canvas in some mobile browsers. for pre render stuff the performance grew from 10 15 FPS to 30 45 FPS in some games I've made . Avoid scale and rotate.. render stuff the performance grew from 10 15 FPS to 30 45 FPS in some games I've made . Avoid scale and rotate context because..
HTML5 Canvas camera/viewport - how to actally do it? var context canvas.getContext 2d game settings var FPS 30 var INTERVAL 1000 FPS milliseconds var STEP INTERVAL 1000.. 2d game settings var FPS 30 var INTERVAL 1000 FPS milliseconds var STEP INTERVAL 1000 seconds setup an object..
Check FPS in JS? FPS in JS How would I check the fps of my javascript I'm using..
Performance of moving image on web page via CSS vs HTML5 Canvas via CSS over a 1024x768 background And here are the FPS results see URL for test details Image Image Sprite Sprite..
How to use requestAnimationFrame? have recently created an animation using setTimeout . The FPS was too low so I found a solution to use requestAnimationFrame..