javascript Programming Glossary: function.prototype
Named parameters in javascript close to what you want but it is based on the output of Function.prototype.toString ES5 which is implementation dependent to some degree.. arguments such as call func a b posArg ... or even extend Function.prototype so that you could do foo.execute a b posArg ... share improve..
Properties of Javascript function objects example addNum would be searched for divide followed by Function.prototype and finally Object.prototype. But my question is in the above..
How to “properly” create a custom object in JavaScript? model. For example here is a syntactical sugar version Function.prototype.subclass function base var c Function.prototype.subclass.nonconstructor.. version Function.prototype.subclass function base var c Function.prototype.subclass.nonconstructor c.prototype base.prototype this.prototype.. c.prototype base.prototype this.prototype new c Function.prototype.subclass.nonconstructor function ... function Circle x y r
What is the 'new' keyword in JavaScript? Object.create or based on the literal functions default to Function.prototype numbers to Number.prototype etc. . It can only be read with..
Fixing javascript Array functions in Internet Explorer (indexOf, forEach, etc) 5 method binding if not supported natively if 'bind' in Function.prototype Function.prototype.bind function owner var that this if arguments.length.. if not supported natively if 'bind' in Function.prototype Function.prototype.bind function owner var that this if arguments.length 1 return..
JavaScript “this” keyword function §10.4.3 . These special built in functions are Function.prototype.apply thisArg argArray thisArg arg1.. in functions are Function.prototype.apply thisArg argArray thisArg arg1 arg2 ... Function.prototype.bind thisArg arg1.. argArray thisArg arg1 arg2 ... Function.prototype.bind thisArg arg1 arg2 ... Array.prototype.every callbackfn..
How do I get the name of an object's type in JavaScript? For IE9 and above you can monkey patch in support if undefined Object.defineProperty undefined Object.defineProperty.. Object.defineProperty undefined Object.defineProperty Function.prototype 'name' get function var funcNameRegex function s . 1 s var..
Correct prototype chain for Function the following program function nl x document.write x br nl Function.prototype nl Function.prototype.prototype nl Function.prototype.prototype.. function nl x document.write x br nl Function.prototype nl Function.prototype.prototype nl Function.prototype.prototype Object.prototype nl.. nl Function.prototype nl Function.prototype.prototype nl Function.prototype.prototype Object.prototype nl Function.prototype.prototype.prototype..
In JavaScript, why typeof Function.prototype is “function”, not “object” like other prototype objects? JavaScript why typeof Function.prototype is &ldquo function&rdquo not &ldquo object&rdquo like other.. typeof Boolean.prototype object console.log typeof Function.prototype function script Above is an HTML5 document. why typeof Function.prototype.. function script Above is an HTML5 document. why typeof Function.prototype is function not object like other prototype objects Thank you..
Does IE9 support console.log, and is it a real function? of the DOM. For what it's worth you can still use some Function.prototype methods on console methods with a little bind magic var log.. on console methods with a little bind magic var log console.log console log.apply console this is a test..
How do I make a callable JS object with an arbitrary prototype? [duplicate] with an arbitrary prototype chain but without modifying Function.prototype. In other words this has to work var o x 5 var foo bar o assert..
console.log.apply not working in IE9 of the DOM. For what it's worth you can still use some Function.prototype methods on console methods with a little bind magic var log.. on console methods with a little bind magic var log console.log console log.apply console this is a test.. up all the console methods for IE 9 in the same manner if Function.prototype.bind window.console typeof console.log object log info warn..
How does __proto__ differ from constructor.prototype? for me was discovering that Object.__proto__ points to Function.prototype instead of Object.prototype but I'm sure there's a good reason.. jumps Object.O1 '' Object.prototype.Op1 '' Function.F1 '' Function.prototype.Fp1 '' Cat function Cat.C1 '' Cat.prototype.Cp1 '' mycat new..
[[Prototype]] vs prototype: ..what is the difference? (MyCons.__proto__ === MyCons.prototype) equals FALSE have function MyConstructor MyConstructor's Prototype is Function.prototype not MyConstructor.prototype. In other non standard console.log.. therefore its Prototype or __proto__ is identical to Function.prototype . In the same way var myObj new MyConstructor creates an object..
__proto__ Vs. prototype in JavaScript function Foo also has its own __proto__ which is Function.prototype and which in turn also references via its __proto__ property..