javascript Programming Glossary: fromid
How do I use the result from FB FQL multiquery? method 'fql.multiquery' queries query1 'SELECT post_fbid fromid text time FROM comment WHERE post_id ' postID ' ' query2 'SELECT.. 'SELECT id name url pic FROM profile WHERE id IN SELECT fromid FROM #query1 ' function response This gives me the following.. response name query1 fql_result_set post_fbid xxxxx fromid user1id text Here's a comment time 1308579931 post_fbid xxxxx..
Posting comment to Facebook from JavaScript comment is created var commentQuery FB.Data.query 'SELECT fromid text FROM comment WHERE post_fbid '' response.commentID ' '.. FB.Data.query 'SELECT name FROM user WHERE uid in select fromid from 0 ' commentQuery FB.Data.waitOn commentQuery userQuery..