javascript Programming Glossary: fragment.appendchild
How have an xslt javascript extension function return a node-set? l i var item doc.createElement 'item' item.text tokens i fragment.appendChild item return fragment.selectNodes 'item' ms script xsl template..
How should I add multiple identical elements to a div with jQuery div document.createElement 'div' while i fragment.appendChild div.cloneNode true '#container' .append fragment I realise it's..
Can't appendChild to a node created from another frame var div frames 0 .document.createElement div fragment.appendChild div script body html I get an error Invalid argument on the.. script body html I get an error Invalid argument on the fragment.appendChild div line. The error seems to stem from the fact that I'm creating.. created in the current document. Use either the following fragment.appendChild fragment.ownerDocument.createElement div or fragment.appendChild..
JavaScript: Add elements in textNode 0 var fragment document.createDocumentFragment if pos 0 fragment.appendChild document.createTextNode strSrc.substr 0 pos fragment.appendChild.. document.createTextNode strSrc.substr 0 pos fragment.appendChild DecorateText strSearch if pos strSearch.length 1 strSrc.length.. strSearch if pos strSearch.length 1 strSrc.length fragment.appendChild document.createTextNode strSrc.substr pos strSearch.length 1..